
I am one with the animal inside




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-03-2023, 05:02 PM

The curtain parted and the scene in the clearing began to unfold like some wonderous play. Alastor did his part and the screams and calls erupted like a symphony. The wet squelching of visceral tearing brought a smile to the striped fae's face and she breathed a soft sigh of pleasure. She knew that Alastor would be the one. Just by the sheer look of anger and fury on his face at knowing that his home had been infiltrated... she knew. As the spectacle began, Scylla was glad that the man wouldn't disappoint.

Grey and blue eyes watched as the black and red giant decimated his opponents. It was terribly arousing and the tiny fae simply couldn't peel her gaze away from him as Alastor let his beast free. It was glorious. He was glorious. His actions, though backed by bloodlust, were precise. Each strike and bite was delivered expertly. This wasn't his first rodeo, nor was this hers. Though young, Scylla was a little butcher. A murderer. Being strong enough to steal the life from another with your own paws... it was orgasmic. Sure, some day she might very well meet her match but... that was what it meant to be alive.

Though Scylla watched Alastor as he tore the poachers to shreds, she was still very well aware of her surroundings. She hadn't forgotten about the final brute that was now creeping up behind her. The diminutive woman spun, eyes wide and pleading. "Please don't hurt me," she begged, hunkering down and drawing that oh so long tail in against her body. Ears tucked as she kept her gaze on the poachers face. "He said he'd kill me if I didn't." With such a game, it was easy to force tears to her eyes. The man was sold. "Come with me," he told her. "We can get away while he's busy." A normal wolf would have felt bad at the deception, but Scylla was anything but normal. Chalk it up to her true lineage, if you want, but this was all so very exquisite to the slate and cream fae.

As the man began to slink away, expecting her to follow, Scylla outwardly sighed and slid her dagger from its sheath. The woman was obsessive about keeping her blades clean and razor edge sharp, so any time she used them, they cut through flesh like water. Yet another scream echoed throughout the stones and the man fell to the ground thrashing. Both Achilles tendons had been cut clean through, rendering his hind legs useless. "Why?" He asked through gritted teeth as he tried in vain to drag himself away with his front paws. After cleaning the blade with the brutes own tail, Scylla returned it to its home at her wrist. Why, he had asked. The little dame tilted her head as though considering the query. "That's a good question. It could have many answers." One striped shoulder lifted in a half hearted shrug. In the end, there was only one answer that Scylla could truthfully give. "Why not?"

The hobbled wolf wasn't going anywhere fast, so Scylla left him for now, turning her full attention back to Alastor. It pleased her to be able to share this experience with him. It pleased her that he hadn't tried to stop her from joining or tried to stop her from heading out into the group on her own. Blue coat spattered red, Scylla found a raised ledge of rock and slid out to lay on her slender stomach. The woman's long, luxurious tail flicked back and forth over the stone like a pleased kitten. She was looking forward to seeing what Alastor did with the poacher on his back. She was also curious what he'd do with the hobbled one when presented with his gift. The man wouldn't put up much of a fight since his hind legs were useless. Scylla wondered if Al would dispatch the man quickly or if he'd get creative. Oh... she hoped he was the creative type! A little shudder ran through the lady's lithe frame and she crossed her bloody paws to wait and watch.

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]

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1. I am one with the animal inside The Stone Steppe 07:45 PM, 03-07-2023 08:54 AM, 04-17-2024