
A Tisket, A Tasket, I Want To Buy A Basket



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04-22-2023, 09:01 PM

Álarr fiddled with the straps of his pack, finally get it adjusted with the help of his raven, Brynhildr. Afi's birthday was coming up and he had his sights set on a nice basket which he would line with rabbit hide for the aging pallas cat. Álarr was no master basket maker. With Brynhildr's help he could weave crude baskets for sifting large debris when making clay but nothing like the basket he'd seen a loner with. He'd met the stranger on his trip back from Fern Gulley where the loner mentioned he'd bought it at the Armada's marketplace. Deciding it was time to let bygones be bygones he packed up a number of herbs and liquors and headed toward the marketplace.

When Álarr arrived it was early in the evening but there still seemed to be a good amount of activity. He paused for a moment unsure of the protocol but when he saw a man pass by with a cart of hides he followed in after the man. There were a number of vendors present and Álarr walked up to the nearest one. "Excuse me, sir. Do you know if the basket weaver is here today?" The man shook his head and didn't seem to know how to answer. Ah, well, he'd keep looking. If he couldn't find a basket maybe he could find something else his old companion would enjoy.

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1. A Tisket, A Tasket, I Want To Buy A Basket Dreamer's Col 09:01 PM, 04-22-2023 03:57 AM, 02-17-2024