
interstellar voyeur

Andromeda <3


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
05-18-2023, 03:57 PM

The day was almost upon Andy when she and Kite would travel down to the Hallows and put her sister’s plan into action. Anxiety continually boils in her stomach as the time to leave is fast approaching and the girl often retreats up to the observation post that she and Sirius had built. Lavender paws know the path up First Point Light well and they trace it with ease. The wooden wall that serves as the back of the building comes into view and she pauses near the doorway to pull a few weeds that are beginning to appear in the flowerbeds that line the outer wall.

It was a labor love that her father had graciously gifted her and the flowers he had planted outside make it all the more special. A voice from behind her, calls out her name, and the lavender girl lifts her head to turn her head to spy Stratum moving down the path, toward her with a haunch of some kind in his jaws. Gently, Andy shakes her head in the negative at his question and the girl softly says, “I am never too busy for you, Stratum.” A gentle smile appears as her tail wags slowly behind her, curious if he is need of a favor like Kite.

Family means everything to the young Fatalis girl and, while it may tear her up inside to hide things from other family members, she will always be there for her siblings… no matter what. At his words, the girl beckons him forward, the gentle smile growing into a bright grin as she says, “Well, come here and I will show you! Plus we can enjoy the snack out of the cool air.” Moving to the opening, a slender leg lifts to push the fur that acts as the door aside as Andy invites her brother into the special building. She is more than happy to show one of her interests to her brother.

Where the back wall of the building is made of wood, the other three walls, and ceiling, are made entirely of glass. The large, thick panes had been carefully fitted into place with wooden supports to make a very study building. While the building isn’t enormous, there is enough space for her desk, a large chest, and nice big pile of furs to all fit comfortably inside. On the desk, a large sheet of parchment is spread out, the edges are pinned down with stones to keep it from rolling back up.

A quill and inkwell sit beside it and there are several dark circles already marked on the parchment. Books lay open and scattered on the floor around the desk, with one notably propped up and open above the in-progress sky chart. Once he is inside, Andy steps in behind him and waves a paw at the pile of furs, saying, “Please, make yourself at home! Uh… don’t mind the mess.” Quickly, she moves around the area, gathering the strewn books and piling them back into the chest that sits open next to her desk.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.

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1. interstellar voyeur Dreamer's Col 08:26 PM, 05-13-2023 03:57 AM, 02-17-2024