
Coming back around again




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-20-2023, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2023, 11:27 PM by Anthea. Edited 1 time in total.)

After speaking with Asheila and spending some time with her unexpectedly by the falls, it only made her even more curious as to how Mercury was doing. She certainly hadn't expected the gray-toned woman to know all of the details about her friend and what he had been up to in the weeks that she had been gone and in a way she felt strange asking her about him so she hadn't. Instead, she found herself lingering at the very edges of the plains that surrounded the castle, staying just outside of the border that cut off the pack's lands from the God's Garden. She had come here a couple of times since she found herself back in Auster, but hadn't mustered up the courage to actually call for anyone or stop any of the warriors that were on patrol to ask if she could come in. As soon as she saw someone heading her direction she turned and left.

She couldn't quite decipher why. She felt some sort of guilt for leaving a pack that had so kindly taken her in and felt as though she had failed even though her attempt to go home would have likely been fruitless regardless. It was just hard to think of facing Artorias again after stating her case for why she wanted to stay only to turn around and leave and now find herself back here again. Still, now that she had spoken to Asheila and was reminded of how lonely it was living on her own, she fond herself here again, hopefully looking across the border for a familiar face. This time it seemed like luck was more on her side as the familiar blue-toned wolf she had been hoping to see began to come into view as he walked along the Hallows border. A little, hopeful grin pulled at her lips and she got to her paws as she edged a bit closer to the border while still being conscious of the fact that she was no longer a member so she couldn't simply walk into their lands uninvited. She lifted a paw to wave and hopefully get his attention while quietly hoping that he still wanted to see her in the first place.

"Anthea Dásos"

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1. Coming back around again The God's Garden 03:34 PM, 07-20-2023 03:43 AM, 02-13-2024