
an outing at the col



07-26-2023, 11:13 AM

Ursa had heard that she could find whatever her heart desired at the market. Whether it was food, goods, animals, or supplies, someone there would have it. Not that she had anything useful to trade for such items at the market, but at least she could look. Right? Just looking wouldn't get her into trouble? Well, it would be a good try and if she got in trouble, she would be so super duper sorry! Her parents had told her to find something to do so going there was probably the safest bet...

Until a larger body crashed into her. Around her age, slightly bigger, and masculine in shape, with some other kind of animal in tow plowing right into her and exclaiming something that she hadn't heard before. She blinked as she lay on her back and grumbled from the pain. Reaching a paw up to rub her head, she rolled slightly to spy on the wolf that had collided with her. Had she been in his way? His gravelly voice sounded pretty upset. Her eyes well with tears as she slowly makes her way to her paws. Scooting forward to help him gather the things that had spilled, she stares at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"I-I'm sorry for bumpin' into you," she mumbles under her breath, barely above a whisper. Once his things were gathered, Ursa mustered the courage to ask a question. "What does furfucksake mean?" The innocence in her tone is obvious as she finally brings herself to stare wide-eyed at the boy. Her body trembles as obviously as her shaky voice.

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1. an outing at the col Dreamer's Col 01:34 PM, 07-20-2023 05:09 AM, 02-05-2024