
A Tisket, A Tasket, I Want To Buy A Basket



Master Fighter (330)

Master Healer (246)

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An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

8 Years
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07-28-2023, 05:12 PM

Álarr nodded in understanding, a soft smile on his face just tinged with sadness. When he was young he remembered exploring the briar with Pesto and get his horns tangled. It had been quite the expedition to get him freed. It had been well over a year since he'd seen his friend, possibly even years now. Despite the length of time the wound still stung.

He focused his thoughts back at the task at hand. The girl named the price and he nodded. "Yes, that is acceptable, one moment please." He wasn't much for haggling, particularly when the price seemed fair. He returned the items that would not be needed and grabbed an extra salve. Resting a paw on each item he briefly explained what each was, certain the Armada's healer could go into more detail on the uses. "I have a salve made from Calendula that should help with cuts, bruises and burns. This one is a Green Elder Ointment, excellent for bruises and sprains. As far as alcohol…" He pushed forward a small bottle of clear alcohol and one of a deep, almost black color. "The dark colored one is elderberry wine. Not particularly strong in the alcohol sense but a very potent aid for the immune system. The clear one is very strong alcohol, a type of moonshine. Personally I prefer to use it to make tinctures but you could drink it if you really wished."

Álarr chuckled as the girl asked if he wanted a basket with or without a handle. "Better have a handle on it so I can cart his furry butt to meetings when he's being belligerent. I do intend to line it with rabbit furs."

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1. A Tisket, A Tasket, I Want To Buy A Basket Dreamer's Col 09:01 PM, 04-22-2023 03:57 AM, 02-17-2024