
Say Something...



"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

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An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
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Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
09-01-2023, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2023, 07:45 PM by Ghoul. Edited 1 time in total.)

Life was really fucked up, wasn't it? Coming into his third year of life and already so much had gone on. Rising to only fall and crumble to the ground. Teetering on the edge, careless, reckless, ready to end it all. Ready to join his mother. It was often that he felt that way. Would anyone miss him? Would anyone care? If he just ... didn't come back one day... Would they even blink? Or would they move on as if he never existed? Did he even exist now?

Existence was a finicky thing to think about. Even though he had come out alright after all of the ... well he supposed he could call it trauma, but it was more like life-ending bull shit, he wasn't actually okay, was he? What did okay even mean? That he was breathing? Blinking? That his body worked? Did it fully work? After the... statue incident... his legs were kind of limping anyway. He would never know what walking really felt like again.

Had he been the one to fuck up?

Was his mother's death his fault? Was all of this his fault? In a way, he blamed his own sister's death on himself too. If only he had been there. Had taken the stress away from her... Maybe she would still be alive. If only he had done better. Been a better son. Tried harder. He can't stop thinking about it. It fills his nightmares dreams. Fills his thoughts. Consumes him until he feels as if he is drowning.

His days are spent with Mac and Cricket. Helping Medusa. Yeah, Medusa. Of all wolves. It was the best chance at survival. Because he had been a fucking idiot. That didn't matter now. His heart still ached. Day in and day out. Ever since Enki had broken the news the day before her companion had arrived. Apparently, Gallho had found Enki before him. Which was fair. Finding his whereabouts has been difficult since the incident. He had gone into hiding for good reason. Though it didn't matter. Tears were shed in private. He had no one but himself to share his grief with.

It is that grief that he falls asleep with tonight. Restless, exhausted, and unable to sleep. He requested Cricket give him some sort of concoction. To keep him from teetering over the edge. To make sure he woke up to see the next day. Yeah, it was... difficult for him. He missed her. Her face, her voice, her tender embrace. Oh, nothing would replace a mother's love. Tears wet his eyes as he twitches and moves in his sleep. Fighting and resisting the nightmares that haunt him. He wants to drift off.

He wants to see her one last time...

Ghoul Klein

Warning: If anyone dares to fuck with Cricket, their pups, or Macabre, you will be answering to him.

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1. Say Something... Somnium 07:39 PM, 09-01-2023 05:54 PM, 01-29-2024