
Cast down thunder



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-06-2023, 09:00 AM

Unsurprisingly, the mixture makes her toes tingle slightly. Though she was careful not to fully touch the oak leaves, there was no not touching it either. Not minding the numbness as it felt similar to when it was cold out, Delphi continues. Mashing away until the pulp of berries is smooth and she can pick out the small seeds and stems. What she is making isn't anything that could kill someone or even harm them in any serious way. No, just something dangerous enough that it would leave them itchy for a day or two. If they were to ingest it though... That was an outcome she couldn't guarantee.

Mulling over who to try this on first, Delphi looked up at the sound of paws drawing close. The wolf that approached was not familiar to her either other than maybe remembering Vidarr mentioning something. Herder? Right? A vague comment about two wolves, one grey and reddish-hued like the one in front of her, that herded large animals. Reindeer? Is that what they were? The questions linger as Keila greets her. Delphi's response is a quiet chuff as she continues to smash the berries into the bottom of the bowl.

"We have not. I am Delphi," her voice is tart, almost sour, but not toward Keila. Toward the world. The nasty and evil world that was insistent on causing her harm. Keila's offer of help does make her ears perk up. Help. A humming noise vibrates in her throat as she looks from her concoction back up to Keila. Should she be honest or should she lie? Would it be mean to try and potentially poison a pack mate? A troubled expression crosses her as she contemplates. No, this Keila had done nothing to deserve anything mean done to her. Yet.

"Do you know anything about poisons?" Delphi's question is straightforward as her bi-colored gaze lingers now on Keila.

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1. Cast down thunder The Stone Steppe 07:39 PM, 08-23-2023 11:37 PM, 04-06-2024