
Cast down thunder



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
10-05-2023, 07:45 AM

For a moment Kiela wondered if fighting was something she'd eventually have to get more accustomed to. She was no fool; she knew what sort of pack Heiðinn was, and she had no qualms in joining their raids if necessary but it seemed to her their fighters were plentiful and her skills were best used elsewhere.

But if Delphi had inclinations toward fighting, she was wise not to let her size be a limiting factor. It was wise to play into your strengths and use them to your advantage - and clearly in Delphi's case it was her mind rather than her sheer strength. Being resourceful like that was commendable rather than worrying, especially since it didn't sound like she was trying to poison some unsuspecting packmate.  "And this poison oak would work quickly enough to disrupt a fight, you think?" Kiela questioned, genuinely curious. Perhaps she could find a way to utilize such knowledge as well. How though she wasn't sure. She mused over it as she watched Delphi continue to work, watching as she smashed the berries down into a smoother paste.

The question about her reindeer disrupted her train of thought though. It was something the often-quiet woman was always happy to talk about.  "My family owe their lives to the reindeer. The lands we come from are far north from here, lands even less hospitable than this, where prey was scarce and we survived off feeding from the reindeer herds. Keeping the herd safe meant we would always have food. We'd keep predators from going after them recklessly, only culling those who were old or injured, and otherwise holding the herd back. A… symbiotic relationship." She fumbled over the word for a moment before finding the right one.

"They no longer feared us and we made sure they were safe, only killing as necessary. To me, they are sacred," she explained carefully. Her words were gentle, spoken with a sort of reverence for the prey animals that not many wolves felt, but she always had - and always would.

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1. Cast down thunder The Stone Steppe 07:39 PM, 08-23-2023 11:37 PM, 04-06-2024