
Choices Choices

Kat, Hermes, Nyx and Bunni



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - BisexualPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
10-13-2023, 10:05 PM

Venom would be the first to arrive and Gloom did her best to give the woman a respectful nod even as she visibly grew nervous. But she was holding on better than she had in the past, the feeling of Audra so close helping to ground her. Next was her mother, she smiled softly, leaning into the hug and placing a responding kiss on her mother's cheek. It hurt her heart to think how much time she had lost with her mother, to look at her and see the age on the woman, could she really give up more? Then it was Spirit and Gloom couldn't help the way her smile widened. She would have to admit she'd always been closest with Spirit out of her brothers... They'd weathered so much of the upheaval of their lives together, sharing in the pain of losing their family members together. Would it be a betrayal to be the one leaving this time? She closed her eyes and whispered a "Spirit." in return. She had two brothers after all.

Though it seemed Void was not as quick as their mother and Spirit. Gloom visibly dithered for a few moments, unsure if she should wait longer but she knew the longer she waited the harder everything would be. She would just have to hope he showed up later... Before it was too late. "Mom, Spirit," she began softly, "this is Audra." She gestured towards the earthen woman, gaze growing soft with fondness as they turned towards her travelling companion. "She was with me when I had my uh... Fall. She's the one who helped to get me to safety and helped to look after me as I recovered." Gloom didn't know much about healing and so wouldn't bother to elaborate beyond that, if Audra wanted to or her family had questions she'd leave them to her.

The nerves returned, Gloom didn't want to beat around the bush but she also didn't want to be too blunt, her family deserved to hear what she was about to say as kindly as she could say it. "I've uh..." She started, seeking out the gazes of her mother and brother. "I think that-" Another false start and Gloom leaned into Audra for a moment, gently tilting her head down to barely touch it to the smaller woman's cranium, one deep breath, two. Then she was turning her attention back to her family again. "I think that I would like to stay with Audra." She took a moment to try and make sure she met the gazes of her family before also swinging it to Venom as well, she knew what she was asking of the woman, to be released from Ashen. "She's helped me so much and-" Her head swung to Audra again. "I don't know when it happened exactly but, at some point when I imagined the future you were always there." She didn't know if it was love, just a crush or something else but the truth was she didn't want to give up the fluttering feeling in her chest or the deep calm that came over her simply being with Audra, even as being close to her made her stomach do flips. "I want to join The Hallows." There was almost a pleading in her expression as she turned back to the trio of Ashen wolves, though it landed solidly on Spirit. She needed him to understand, to be okay. If he couldn't be... Gloom was liable to change her mind. They'd been though everything together, and some part of her was on the verge of suggesting he come with her but that wasn't her choice to make. This had to be better than before though right? She wasn't disappearing, she was simply going to live elsewhere, somewhere he could always come find her! That had to be better!

Action | "Speech." |

Art by Frida-Corvus
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. Choices Choices Wolfpaw Lake 12:25 PM, 08-08-2023 03:34 AM, 02-13-2024