
the devil will make me a free man


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-17-2023, 10:17 AM

It's a drizzly middle of the night.

Calliope couldn't sleep. Her siblings were so annoying. A leg here, a paw to the face, a bunch of snoring in her ear. It was god awful trying to get any shut eye with them around. Which honestly put her in a terrible mood.

You're feeling apathetic.

Wait, no. She was apathetic about it. Her expression was blase. Devoid of emotion. Just because they couldn't respect her personal space didn't mean she had to be upset about it. Rather, she decided that going out to the archipelago would be better. Through the drizzly rain, led by the shaft of moonlight that poked through the overcast night. Her too-large paws crunch through the sand and kick out at the sleeping doves.

and surrounded.

By doves? Sure. That wasn't too scary. The birds with their beaks tucked under wings, snoozing through the drizzly night. Clustered together in groups to keep warm since it was the middle of winter. Calliope didn't care. She was feeling apathetic after all. Even though she shivered and her teeth clattered together, she pressed on until something started making her fur stand on end.

You get the feeling you're being watched.

The young pup whips around suddenly. Her ears flatten and her lips pull up as she lets out a growl. A true puppy growl that rumbled in her chest, not really that threatening if we're being honest here. Anyway, she puffed up almost like a pissed-off cat and watched the shadows as they seemed to grow and curl toward her.

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. the devil will make me a free man Dove Island Archipelago 10:17 AM, 10-17-2023 10:06 AM, 03-31-2024