
the devil will make me a free man


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-17-2023, 10:17 AM

It's a drizzly middle of the night.

Calliope couldn't sleep. Her siblings were so annoying. A leg here, a paw to the face, a bunch of snoring in her ear. It was god awful trying to get any shut eye with them around. Which honestly put her in a terrible mood.

You're feeling apathetic.

Wait, no. She was apathetic about it. Her expression was blase. Devoid of emotion. Just because they couldn't respect her personal space didn't mean she had to be upset about it. Rather, she decided that going out to the archipelago would be better. Through the drizzly rain, led by the shaft of moonlight that poked through the overcast night. Her too-large paws crunch through the sand and kick out at the sleeping doves.

and surrounded.

By doves? Sure. That wasn't too scary. The birds with their beaks tucked under wings, snoozing through the drizzly night. Clustered together in groups to keep warm since it was the middle of winter. Calliope didn't care. She was feeling apathetic after all. Even though she shivered and her teeth clattered together, she pressed on until something started making her fur stand on end.

You get the feeling you're being watched.

The young pup whips around suddenly. Her ears flatten and her lips pull up as she lets out a growl. A true puppy growl that rumbled in her chest, not really that threatening if we're being honest here. Anyway, she puffed up almost like a pissed-off cat and watched the shadows as they seemed to grow and curl toward her.

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



10-17-2023, 12:53 PM

Three wolfish borzoi stand before you, shifting with anticipation. Their glowing green eyes flitter and dance with an ethereal excitement. To your left, a pale and excitable wolf beckons, their tail wagging fervently behind them. In the center, a mournful wolf who's coat is such a pure slate, it seems as if she's tinged blue. To your right stands a dark abrasive looking wolf who's eyes are barely visible under his furrowed brow as he impatiently awaits your decision. In fact, it seems they are all waiting for you to make a choice between the three.

Who do you choose?

Easy Route: The Gleeful Guide
This route poses minimal risk, but also lesser rewards.
Risks: Scarring, small loss of gems/skill points

Medium Route: The Sorrowful Guide
This route poses some risk and moderate rewards.
Risks: Scarring, cosmetic disfigurement, temporary disabilities, moderate loss of gems/skill points

Hard Route: The Irascible Guide
This route poses the most risk and greater rewards.
Risks: Scarring, cosmetic disfigurement, permanent disabilities, higher loss of gems/skill points


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-17-2023, 01:22 PM

The sudden appearance of three wolf-dogs standing in front of her causes her to start. All four paws lift into the air, toes spreading, as her hair stands on end. A little yelp even leaves her lips as she stares back at them. Once she is back on the sand, Calliope narrows her gaze at them. "What you lookin' at bozos?!" She screeches, her lips pulling up to sneer at the three larger canines. When they didn't answer, Calliope steps closer. They didn't smell like the pack or look like true wolves. Who were they?! Suspicious, the pup barks as loud as she can at them. They don't move. Just continue staring. What the hell was wrong with them?

"Cat got ya tongue? Answer me, you sad fuck!" Her bright and colorful eyes turn to the middle blue borzoi as her ears flatten atop her head. Marching up to the sorrowful guide, Calliope jabs a paw out toward them, demanding that they answer.

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



10-17-2023, 01:27 PM

The tearful wolf seems almost surprised you chose her. She watches you for a moment, but does not answer your question, nor your insult. After sniffling back some tears, she turns and motions for you to follow.

Quietly, the woman leads you into a perpetual fog. Your senses are blocked and it is impossible to know where you are going. Your only lead is the salty scent of the woman you follow and the brief grey blue flash of her tail in front of you, her body obscured by the mists.

When the shroud thins, you find yourself in a small clearing surrounded by the largest weeping willows you have ever seen. In the center of the clearing, a mirror-like pond awaits, completely still except for a small swirling whirlpool in the middle. A thin path of stepping stones trail towards the center of the lake then stop. The sad wolf sits, and motions you towards the lake, tear-filled eyes brimming with anticipation.

What do you do?

Strength: Swim into the whirlpool.
You're probably stronger than some water, right? You can just swim over and see what's up.

Charisma: Ask the guide for a hint.
The guide seems nice enough. Maybe she will help you.

Dexterity: Use the stepping stones.
There are perfectly good stepping stones here for you to use!

Wisdom: Inspect the water.
Something is amiss with the water... Maybe you can figure out what.

Leave and exit the event.


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-17-2023, 02:51 PM

The lack of reaction from the sad-looking borzoi almost agitates the girl. What was with the lack of words? A quiet harumph breathes from her lips as she begrudgingly follows the wolf. "Only followin' you 'cause you might have treasure," Calliope grumbles under her breath as she is quickly overtaken by the swirling fog. She can't even shout out curse words it's so thick and envelopes her completely. The salty scent intrigues her. Was the wolf-dog lookin' thing taking her back home? Moments pass before she can see again.

Blinking away the fog, Calliope looks from the tearful wolf-dog to the shimmering lake and massive willows. "Where're we?" She asks, her tone accusatory as she steps forward. Calliope notices the lake that is quite similar to a mirror and the thin trail of stones leading across it. The wolf-dog, who Calliope still didn't understand why she was crying, pointed toward the lake. "The fuck you want me to do with this?" Her harsh words cut across as she stares pointedly back at the wolf. After a few seconds, the pup reconsiders and steps away from the wolf-dog. Marching up to the water and its trail of stones,

Calliopes begins to inspect the water.

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



10-17-2023, 03:39 PM

You inspect the water, but see nothing there. Maybe a closer look will do. You approach the silvery surface of the water and lean in close. You think you can make something out at the bottom and lean in closer, and closer, and- oops! Your paw slips, sending you clamoring into the lake where your struggles against the currents are for naught. The last thing you remember is going around and around and around and then... down.

As you fall, you bump your right hip enough to leave a bruise, but not enough to break skin.

Under the whirlpool, a waterfall floats you into an underground lake. As you pull yourself from the frigid pool, an icy palace opens before your eyes. Thick layers of ice coat the cave's interior and ornate carvings decorate the walls. Your guide stands on the shore, shaking out her fur.  She inspects the surroundings, and you do the same. You realize there is no discernable exit, though some of the ice looks thin and even cracked in some spots along the walls.

What do you do?

Strength: Break through one of the weak spots.
The ice looks thin enough, and you feel strong enough to burst through.

Charisma: Ask the guide where to go.
The room seems directionless... Maybe the guide knows something.

Dexterity: Try to squeeze through one of the larger cracks.
Some of the cracks and cervices look large enough for you to squeeze through.

Wisdom: Inspect the drawings on the wall.
The drawings are intricate, they must mean something.

Leave and exit the event.


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-19-2023, 10:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2023, 10:28 AM by Calliope. Edited 1 time in total.)

Leaning forward, Calliope begins to inspect the water. Was something there? At the bottom, she thought she saw something glimmer. Inching forward, her toes flexing against the soft ground, she is suddenly tumbling headfirst into the water. She doesn't even have time to scream before she is fully enveloped. Swirling and twirling around in the depths, even bumping her hip along the way. Ouch! What the hell! She was floating through the water! Not drowning! This place was crazy!

Amazed, confused, and all around spooked by now, Calliope is surprised when she finally resurfaces. The frigid temperature digs into her skin as she drags herself from the water. Calliope notices her guide all but slides from the lake as if nothing bothered her. "Bitch," the pup curses under her breath as she glares daggers at the slate-coated woman. When Calliope finally drags her gaze away from the woman, standing on the shore, shivering until her teeth chatter, she finally notices the icy palace and ornate carvings. But where was the exit? Nowhere to be found obviously!

Frustrated, Calliope marches up to her guide and thrusts a paw at the woman's chest. "Hey, where am I supposed to go now?!" Her puppy-like ferocity is diminished amongst the cavern's intricate and spacious interior. How's that for some charisma, eh?

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



10-21-2023, 08:20 PM

You ask the guide where to go, thrusting your paw at her. She moved just out of reach, but you never see her actually move. Maybe your aim was just that bad? One tear falls on your paw and you realize it's colder than the ice surrounding you.

The guide meanwhile purses her lips as she surveys the room. After a moment, she moves so quickly, you can't track her. After a loud crack, she stands on the other side of a now broken sheet of ice, waiting for you to follow.

On the other side you find a bag containing an item! Can't wait to open this later.

On the other side of the ice wall, what was once a neat hallway has been utterly destroyed. Carved pillars lay broken and elaborate art shattered.

The tunnel ahead looks a little unstable, and proceeding further may be very dangerous. You know if you go on now, you may not return in the same condition you entered.

What do you do?

Strength: Charge through the tunnel.
If you're plenty quick, the tunnel won't have a chance to collapse!

Charisma: Convince your guide to lead the way.
One wrong step could lead to the tunnel failing. Perhaps the guide knows a better way.

Dexterity: Carefully tread down the hallway.
If you go slow and carefully, you can leave the tunnel undisturbed.

Wisdom: Study the cave and find the safest path.
If you look closely, you can see where the cracks and freshly broken ice are.

If you proceed further, you will not be able to leave. Abandoned threads may result in failed rolls.
Risks: Scarring, cosmetic disfigurement, temporary disabilities, moderate loss of gems/skill points


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-23-2023, 11:27 AM

Had she moved? Calliope blinked. Suddenly, the shock of the icy tear on her fur, she yanks her paw close to her chest. Her lips pull up into a sneer. What was with this wolf anyway?! The pup folds her ears backward as she blinks and now sees the sad wolf-dog on the other side of a sheet of ice with a bag. For her? Her eyes widen as her tail wags. Oo, fun! "Thanks, lady!" Calliope says before scooping up the bag and following until she reaches the hallway.

She was supposed to go in there? Looking over her shoulder, Calliope looks around, uncertain. Would she be safe? Did it matter if she was? Thinking about it, Calliope finally turns back to the wolf. "No funny business, you hear?" The pup warns the wolf-dog before using her dexterity to carefully tread down the hallway.

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



10-27-2023, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2023, 10:04 AM by NPC. Edited 2 times in total.)

Slowly you start working your way down the hallway, though you take far too long to traverse it and you hear the tunnel beginning to crack and splinter around you.

As the tunnel behind you begins to collapse, you find yourself getting battered and bruised by a multitude of ice shards, their blades cutting through your fur and smashing onto the ground below. You begin to falter, but with a final push from your guide, you make it to a more stable part of the tunnel. You notice an injury on left back outer leg that's sure to leave a scar.

At the end of the collapsed tunnel, what appears to have once been an elaborate shrine at some point in time lays demolished. A part of the wall carves out and opens to an open room full of jagged ice floating in deathly waters. In the center, a large, flat expanse is frozen, and on the other side, what look like daylight shines through a small opening.

What do you do?

Strength: Break through the jagged ice to the exit.
The ice doesn't look so tough, you can probably break through the tips and clear a path.

Charisma: Convince your guide to lead the way.
The guide may know how to get through the treacherous cave.

Dexterity: Jump from jagged peak to peak towards the exit.
If you time your jumps just right, you think you'll be able to use them as stepping stones.

Wisdom: Look for the safest path to the exit.
Looking ahead, there has to be one safe path... if only you can spot it.


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-28-2023, 10:56 AM
One would not typically consider a pup like Calliope to be cautious. She typically chose to throw caution to the wind and face things head-on. Except for this experience so far, she had chosen the more careful routes. Asking her guides, using her wisdom and charisma, all things not Calliope. So as she takes slow steps down the hallway, she questions herself. Why was she being a scaredy cat like that whimpering guide behind her?

Suddenly, cracking and splintering happen all around her. The tunnel ceiling is collapsing and there's no way out but forward. Trying to rush, Calliope slips and slides along the ice. Sharp sharps of the ice slide and batter her, cutting her fur. She wants to pause and check her wounds because they fucking hurt, but as she tries, her guide is shoving her from behind. "Avast! Watch yerself!" Calliope snaps, her teeth gnashing together as they both make it to a more stable part of the tunnel.

Once she could get her bearings, she looked up to see the once-elaborate shrine. Amazed and all the more terrified now, Calliope continues to glance around the demolished room. "What is this place?" She asks quietly as she notices the carved wall that leads to an open room full of water and floating ice. "What's the point of this?" Calliope asks aloud even though she knows her guide won't answer. With her ears folded back, she continues to step closer as she sees what looks to be daylight through a small opening. So close yet so far... And still being a pup, she wasn't sure if she would be strong enough to break the ice or jump far enough to make it.

She glances around once more, but can't see anything right away. Turning to the guide, she takes a deep breath and steps closer to the blue-coated borzoi. "Lass, I know I ain' been so nice to ya, but I see I been brash. Will ye take my apology and lead the way for me?" Calliope looks up at her guide with tears brimming the edge of her eyes. It's the first time in her young life that she's ever cared to allow anyone to see her cry. To allow anyone to see her as weak... Her bottom lip even begins to tremble as she shivers and takes one more step closer to the guide in hopes she has enough charisma to convince her guide.

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



10-28-2023, 06:53 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2023, 04:59 PM by NPC. Edited 1 time in total.)

Your guide timidly tries to lead the way, but little progress is made. The cave rumbles and you lose your footing. Around you, you see the streaks of your own blood melting down the broken and jagged ice. As your vision tunnels, the guide runs to your side and all you can think about is how warm her tears are.

You awaken out by the lake, battered and beaten and so. so cold. A familiar form kneels beside you, tending your wounds. It takes several blurry moments to realize this is not your guide, but a cluster of fireflies in a cloak the same color as your guide's fur. Your injuries ache, but you will heal fine; you can tell somehow by the way the fireflies buzz around you. You notice your back left paw is broken, and will take some time to heal fully (1 IC season) and you feel a little less skilled as well, losing 7 fighting skill points..

You realize loosely how little sense that makes and you wonder if this is real, but a warm force closes your eyes and bids you to think of home, of safety. When you awake next, you are in a safe place, one which you might have imagined.

The guide nods softly and pauses for a moment to think. She leads you one step, then another, then another. You follow carefully and after what seems like and eternity, you make it towards the end of the path.

Before you reach the exit, the ice around you cracks and water sputters up until you are left stranded with your guide on a large, floating stage of ice. From the frozen depths, a massive, blue tinted worm bursts forth and shrieks. You understand its name immediately: Jeff. You know now that you can not leave until you defeat this menace. Your guide looks to you, ready to go on your command.

What do you do?

Strength: Fight the worm head on.
Use whatever strength you have left to charge forward and fight the worm.

Charisma: Convince the worm to let you pass.
Maybe you can reason with the worm instead of using violence to get your way.

Dexterity: Sneak around and attack the worm from behind.
You think maybe you can use the shards of ice as cover to sneak around and attack from behind.

Wisdom: Find the worm's weak point.
If you hang back and study the worm for awhile, maybe you can figure out how to best defeat it.

Rerolled using Firefly's Favor.


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-01-2023, 08:03 AM

A WHOLE eternity passed before they reached the end of the path. Calliope had managed to stay quiet during those moments as they walked along the precarious ice. When her guide stops, Calliope looks around her toward the exit. Her eyes perk up, eager to finally get home. Taking one, maybe two steps around her guide, the ice suddenly cracks around them. As any pup would, Calliope ducks under the guide and covers her eyes until the shattering stops. Looking between her toes, she sees they are on a floating stage of ice. Before she can say anything else, a giant worm bursts from the depths.

"JEFF!" Calliope screams as she darts out from under the guide. How the heck did she know his name?! Weird. Her fur bristles as she looks to her guide and her guide looks to her. Well, if they wanted to live, there was only one option left. "You're going down Jeff!" Calliope yells loudly as she bursts forward to gather whatever strength she has left and fight the worm head-on.


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



11-02-2023, 07:41 PM

You push forward, skittering across the ice. The worm returns the force hungrily and barrels towards you. Even before you make contact, you realize you are no match. You see a blur of your guide as she attempts to intercept, but then everything goes black.

You awaken out by the lake, battered and beaten and so. so cold. A familiar form kneels beside you, tending your wounds. It takes several blurry moments to realize this is not your guide, but a cluster of fireflies in a cloak the same color as your guide's fur. Your injuries ache, but you will heal fine; you can tell somehow by the way the fireflies buzz around you.

You realize loosely how little sense that makes and you wonder if this is real, but a warm force closes your eyes and bids you to think of home, of safety. When you awake next, you are in a safe place, one which you might have imagined.

You've made it out alive, though not without injury. You notice a deep wound on your throat, which will no doubt turn into a noticeable scar (about 6 inches long). Likewise you feel you've lost some knowledge along the way, losing 32 Fighting skill points. Any items you've found lay beside you, and will be revealed later.



03-18-2024, 11:03 AM

Three wolfish borzoi bow their heads in appreciation. Thank you for playing the Halloween 2023 event! All is calm as you look out, but there's no telling what's on the horizon... or perhaps even under it...

Look forward to peeks into the event, hiccups, and maybe some hints into the next adventure!

You Gained This Along the Way...
  • Extra Breeding Pass
  • Crystal Bath Bomb

You Lost These Along the Way...
  • Minor injury - right hip
  • Minor scar - left outer leg
  • Major temp injury - throat
  • -32 Fighting skill points

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1. the devil will make me a free man Dove Island Archipelago 10:17 AM, 10-17-2023 10:06 AM, 03-31-2024