
Meet and greet

Carpathius clan meets mountain vikings

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
10-20-2023, 06:25 PM
Ember was still gawking at just how massive the mountains were when the Heiðinn wolves approached the cluster of Carpathians. She had always thought Hearthstone was the biggest thing in the world, but the mountain was even bigger than their home! Her attention was snapped back when a male voice spoke in a gruff foreign accent, welcoming them into their lands. Ember studied the large brute that rivaled her sire in size, as well as the boy he had at his side. He wore a rich dark coat and looked to be about her and Clove's age, but was noticeably taller than the both of them already. He was also staring at them. Not just staring, but like really staring at them. Ember shifted her paws in the snow, fidgeting a bit. Was there something on her face? She surreptitiously rubbed at her snout while their father began to usher them into Heiðinn's lands. Ember followed alongside Artorias, trying not to stare back at the strange boy. Mom had always said staring was rude and Dad had just told them to be on their best behavior.

Following her family into the cavern at the behest of their hosts, Ember was immediately grateful to feel the heat of the fire wash away the cold from her coat. She breathed a delighted sigh and hurried to plonk her rump down around the fire, lifting her paws to warm them in front of the flames. The wolves introduced themselves—Víðarr and Tenshi—but the boy didn't give his name. Ember wasn't sure how to interpret that. Did he not like them? Is that why he was staring so intensely at them? Still trying to not be seen stealing little glances at the boy to check if he was still staring, Ember tried to focus on the conversation as Artorias did his part conversing with the other alphas.

When her sire gave the floor over to them to introduce themselves and present the gifts they'd been told to offer, Ember was the first to spring back up to her paws, offering a polite smile to the Heiðinn wolves. "Hi, I'm Ember!" she began with a little wave of her paw. Oh wait, was she supposed to bow? Shoot! What was the proper protocol here? Not wanting to make the situation awkward with undue pauses, she carried on, "I brought some fleecy blankets made from our family's alpacas. They're cozy and soft and very warm!" Being as she was still too small to be carrying the bundles of wool blankets on her back, Ember turned to Dusk, who had been the one carrying them for her, to show them off with pride to the alphas.

"Ember Carpathius"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. Meet and greet Fenrir's Maw 04:02 PM, 10-13-2023 02:14 PM, 03-13-2024