
Meet and greet

Carpathius clan meets mountain vikings


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-13-2023, 04:02 PM

The knowledge that a new pack had been formed in the northern continent of Boreas had come to the Aegis of the Hallows during the most recent pack challenge at the fall of Valhalla, and it showed the alpha that there were changes abound in the north that he was unaware of. The stoic dire brute that Artorias had been at the pack challenge had seemed almost glad that Valhalla had toppled and yet also disappointed at the same time. He hadn't gotten a chance to meet with his fellow alpha at the challenge, but now it would be time to get to know his peers that dwelled in the mountains as he had heard from rumor. As he was preparing for his ventures up to the wintery climate of Boreas, Artorias' children asked to join him on his trip to see some new lands and meet new wolves. Ever the believer in learning by first-hand experiences, Artorias was glad to allow his children to join him on this diplomatic endeavor, especially since Talyssa and Bramble had both expressed interest in following the diplomat routes.

Knowing that Boreas was in the midst of its winter, Artorias had ensured all of his entourage had an alpaca wool cloak to keep themselves warm, especially near the mountains where it got colder much more dramatically. The Aegis himself was dressed with a simple yet elegant black wool cloak that almost blended seamlessly into his dark fur, bold orange stitchings hemming the fringes of the cloak and hood; the colors of the Hallows. Beneath his cloak he carried his sword, tucked away but always in reach in case the road north had been fraught with danger. Approaching the base of the Fenrir Mountains, Artorias immediately took note of the scent of the pack above the crispness of freshly fallen snow. This must be the Heidinn pack. Artorias stood at the borders and lowered his hood, then issued a simple call out for an audience with the alpha he had seen before, his voice ringing out in the wintry air and echoing around the mountains. Then he stood by and waited.

While they waited, Artorias turned back to his children. "Remember, just be yourselves. It's important to make a good first impression with new potential friends, but it's more important to be genuine." He trusted his kids wouldn't do anything ridiculous or foolhardy, but he also wanted to emphasize the fact that it didn't mean they had to act like perfect little high society Victorian children. Treating this interaction with ease and not putting too much pressure on themselves to behave a certain way would make it all the easier for them. "And remember to mind your manners and don't ask any untoward questions," added Artorias with a pointed glance to Ember in particular. Then with a smile to his family, he turned back to wait for Heidinn's alpha.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
10-13-2023, 07:34 PM
Man, the north was cold! Ember had thought she'd experienced the worst of winter when it was all wet and mucky back home in Auster, but up in Boreas everything was just COLD. Cold and snowy and icy. The young girl pulled her cloak tighter around her neck as she gazed around at the powder-covered world around her, dumbstruck and in awe of how everything looked so pristine and magical! There were shards of ice hanging down like teeth from the branches of the trees, and the earth was all soft and crunchy under her toes as she walked through the snow behind her sire with the rest of her family. Snow felt a lot like sand, except maybe a bit less soft and much colder. She decided very quickly she liked the sand of the beach back home better.

The towering mountain range they were headed for had loomed overhead for quite some time now, growing bigger and bigger the closer they got to it. Ember had been chomping at the bit to get to see more of the world and meet new wolves, so Dad's offer to bring the family on a diplomatic field trip to see the new wolf pack was right up her alley. She'd ridden on Artorias' back a good bit of the way, her small legs still getting used to traveling long distances. She had all four paws firmly planted on the ground as they approached the pack borders though, sticking close to the middle of the cluster of her family while she gawked at the world around her.

Their father gave a call for an audience, then addressed them all, reminding them that this was a casual social call and to take it easy. Then he made a point to fix her with a stare as he reminded them to show good manners to their new acquaintances. Ember pouted a bit, then stuck her tongue out at her dad when he turned away. Aw c'mon, she wasn't that bad! While they waited, Ember shifted her weight back and forth on her paws, crunching the fresh snow beneath her while she continued to gaze around at their surroundings. This place was so wildly different from the home she was used to back in Auster. Why would wolves ever want to live in a place like this?

"Ember Carpathius"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
10-14-2023, 06:58 AM

When her father proposed a trip to the north to meet with another pack, Dusk decided that it would be best if she went with him. Not only would she learn something, but she would be part of the defense system that protected her father and younger siblings. That was pretty much how Dusk saw herself: a protector. The young woman was very confident in her skills. Whisper had become an extension of herself and she rarely went anywhere without her trusty weapon. Even today the cat-o-nine tails draped down the obsidian lady's long, long tail.

Aside from her weapon, Dusk had donned a cloak of thick bison hide. The collar of the cloak was thick and ruffled in the wind. It was good to keep ones cheeks and ears warm and the long, flowing hide blocked the worst of the snowy northern gales. As they moved, the climate became ever colder. Dusk had never experienced such cold, but she would be damned before she'd let anyone know that it affected her. Lynx-tipped ears shifted this way and that. Fire opal eyes followed. In this unknown territory, the fae was on high alert.

As her father halted and addressed them, something in the shadowy girl bristled. She was always on her best behavior, thank you very much. With her father on one side, Dusk stood on the other, keeping everyone else in between. When the call was made, the antlered fae stood tall and regal, ready to carry out this social call, as her father put it.

"Dusk Carpathius"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
10-15-2023, 12:38 PM

Víðarr and Erik had spent the morning tending the sheep, trying to get things sorted out before the next big storm hit. Winter was brutal in these parts, it was better to be prepared. For every ounce of brutality, there was an equal measure of beauty. Magic. Wonder. The gods had walked here, they'd blessed the mountain and the land. Víðarr wouldn't have it any other way. The call of a stranger shattered the peace around him, and the viking king shared a glance with his son. Wordlessly, the pair padded towards their borders, and the source of the call.

Though the call came from a stranger, the shadow recognizes the man that's come knocking. He'd been there too, on the day Valhalla had fallen uncontested. Behind him, children, Erik's age or a bit older. Though his expression is carefully neutral, there's a bit of warmth in his tone of voice. "Come in, before you freeze." Víðarr drew near to meet them, beckoning that they follow. Hospitality was an important part of their religion, and the mountain could be deadly to those not equipped to deal with it. As such, places to greet guests had been sorted out in a few places at the base of the mountain. It wasn't a far walk to the nearest, a comfortably sized cavern where a fire was already crackling.

"I am Víðarr Trygg, and this is Heiðinn." Right, an introduction would probably do him well. He wasn't used to the politics of it all, but it's best he try. "What can we do for you?"


[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
10-15-2023, 12:51 PM

Erik's shared glance with his father told him all he needed to know. He was expected to follow the viking king down to meet whoever had called. Something about being the son of a king... when would it be time for them to go back to Tojo-kai, where he had fewer responsibilities? Granted, it was also too damn hot this time of year. He was better off up on the mountain, where his thick coat wouldn't be near-strangling him. The boy trotted behind his father, gaze wary as the group came into view. There were... many of them. More than he would have liked.

As they cleared in his vision, the boy watched them carefully. Girls. They were tall, lithe girls, with long limbs and light frames. His gaze rests on them both in turn, assessing, though he doesn't speak. What would he say? What could he say? Hovering by his father's side, though a half step behind him, Erik stood tall. Confident, though he doesn't have the words to say. Trying to look confident, but it's hard when he's so... very much not used to this. That's alright though. At least dad would do the talking for now. He'd come up with something to say to the pretty girls at some point.

Warning: posts from this character often involve body horror.
Erik has a Norwegian forest cat that is assumed with him at all times.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
10-15-2023, 01:30 PM
When father mentioned going on a journey, Clove was immediately interested. So much, that she hadn’t thought about how far the journey really was until they were halfway through it. Traveling all the way to the north was very tiresome for the young girl, but she was grateful for the opportunity to tag along. Even Ember had decided to come, which made it more fun with one of her littermates at her side! And, her older sister Dusk decided to come too! However, she couldn’t deny that she was disappointed that Taly decided to stay behind in the castle. Taly had promised her an adventure.

While Ember rode on Father’s back, Clove bugged Dusk for a ride here and there. Their tiny legs grew tired quickly, and it was a blessing to have the older wolves around to help them complete the journey. Once they entered the northern territory, Clove realized why Father suggested they all bring a cloak. It was FREEZING! It made her even more grateful for the warmth in the South. She had decided to wear one of the darker cloaks offered to the pack, wanting it to draw in the sun's warmth whenever it was in the sky. So far it seemed to be working. But Clove still had to walk in the snow, which was making her paws feel like icicles!  

Finally, their journey came to a climax. They found themselves at the base of a towering mountain range, the biggest landmark she had ever seen. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, jaw dropping in awe at the scenery. She couldn’t believe how amazing it looked! But also a bit ominous. Sticking close to Ember, Clove heeded father’s words and fell quiet. Though, she couldn’t help the pitter-patter of her paws in the snow, as she practically marched in place out of excitement!

They didn’t have to wait long for someone to arrive. A big dark wolf came to the borders, and Clove looked up at his towering frame with a sheepish expression. He was as tall as daddy! And when he invited them into his home, Clove glanced towards Artorias, waiting for him to accept the invitation before she moved forward. She noticed the boy lingering behind him- around her age, swathed in an amethyst coat with fiery markings. He was so handsome. She couldn’t help but stare at him for several moments, before ushering inside the territory with her family.  



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
10-17-2023, 07:37 AM

Tenshi had been busying herself when the call rang out. From the border, the request made her curious. Lifting her head a bit higher and turning an ear to listen, she wondered who it could be. Shifting away from the pot of soup that she had been tending to, Tenshi made her way from the communal kitchen area. Following the lit and well-marked paths, it didn't take her long to emerge from the depths of Fenrir Maw out into the snowy hills of the mountain's slope. From her position, she could see the gathering of wolves at their border. Surprised at how many congregated around the dark blue figure, her pace quickens as she heads through the snow.

From out of the corner of her eye, she sees Vidarr and Erik a bit ahead of her. Ah, yes, this would indeed be a good teaching moment for the boy. Loping onto the scene where she sees an older male and several younger females, Tenshi tilts her head in question. What was this man doing here with so many young girls? As her nose twitches, she scents that they are all his daughters. Interesting. Stepping up beside Vidarr as they enter the cavern, Tenshi moves to settle near where Vidarr will rest. Glad for the warmth of the fire, Tenshi is quick to stoke the flames so that they don't die down too much. Looking at the girls, she smiles warmly in only a way that a mother could before moving her attention to Artorias.

"And I, Ya-hrm,"  she falters, remembering that she would soon no longer be a Yama, but a Trygg. A Viking, not a mountain-koi. "Tenshi Trygg, though not quite official yet,"  there is humor in her tone as her gaze flickers to Vidarr. Teasing the Shadow is a favorite pastime of hers. "I hope the journey has treated you all nicely,"  her accented tones are a mixture of Nihon and the newly acquainted Swedish. Soon, the Nihon would be only a mere distant memory.



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-20-2023, 06:14 PM

The Carpathians were not kept waiting long before they were received by a pair of males, one the enigmatic dark brute he had seen at the Valhallan challenge. The alpha of Heiðinn and the lord of the mountain. Beside him, a young lad, roughly the same age of his youngest litter. The alpha's son, he presumed. The dark brute remained stoic in expression but spoke with hospitality, inviting them in before the cold weather made them sick. Artorias gave a grateful smile to his fellow alpha, then looked back at his daughters and motioned for them to follow. As they crossed the border and followed their hosts, a third wolf joined the Heiðinn crew, a female who appeared very familiar with the alpha as they walked side-by-side into the cave, the warmth of the already lit fire chasing away the chill from their coats.

As they were all settled around the fire, Artorias bowed his head in thanks as the Heiðinn wolves introduced themselves as Víðarr and Tenshi Trygg. "Thank you for your hospitality, Víðarr and Tenshi. I am Artorias Carpathius, alpha of the Hallows. These are my daughters." He gestured to the girls at his side before returning his attention back to the alpha couple and who he assumed was their son. "I saw you at Valhalla's fall, and since news of new packs doesn't always reach us all the way down in Auster, I wanted to take the time to meet you, introduce ourselves and our pack, and get to know more about Heiðinn." Oh, but most importantly... "We've also brought you a few housewarming gifts, from the Hallows to Heiðinn."

Artorias then nodded to his daughters, allowing each of them to give their introductions and present their gifts to the lord and lady of Heiðinn.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
10-20-2023, 06:25 PM
Ember was still gawking at just how massive the mountains were when the Heiðinn wolves approached the cluster of Carpathians. She had always thought Hearthstone was the biggest thing in the world, but the mountain was even bigger than their home! Her attention was snapped back when a male voice spoke in a gruff foreign accent, welcoming them into their lands. Ember studied the large brute that rivaled her sire in size, as well as the boy he had at his side. He wore a rich dark coat and looked to be about her and Clove's age, but was noticeably taller than the both of them already. He was also staring at them. Not just staring, but like really staring at them. Ember shifted her paws in the snow, fidgeting a bit. Was there something on her face? She surreptitiously rubbed at her snout while their father began to usher them into Heiðinn's lands. Ember followed alongside Artorias, trying not to stare back at the strange boy. Mom had always said staring was rude and Dad had just told them to be on their best behavior.

Following her family into the cavern at the behest of their hosts, Ember was immediately grateful to feel the heat of the fire wash away the cold from her coat. She breathed a delighted sigh and hurried to plonk her rump down around the fire, lifting her paws to warm them in front of the flames. The wolves introduced themselves—Víðarr and Tenshi—but the boy didn't give his name. Ember wasn't sure how to interpret that. Did he not like them? Is that why he was staring so intensely at them? Still trying to not be seen stealing little glances at the boy to check if he was still staring, Ember tried to focus on the conversation as Artorias did his part conversing with the other alphas.

When her sire gave the floor over to them to introduce themselves and present the gifts they'd been told to offer, Ember was the first to spring back up to her paws, offering a polite smile to the Heiðinn wolves. "Hi, I'm Ember!" she began with a little wave of her paw. Oh wait, was she supposed to bow? Shoot! What was the proper protocol here? Not wanting to make the situation awkward with undue pauses, she carried on, "I brought some fleecy blankets made from our family's alpacas. They're cozy and soft and very warm!" Being as she was still too small to be carrying the bundles of wool blankets on her back, Ember turned to Dusk, who had been the one carrying them for her, to show them off with pride to the alphas.

"Ember Carpathius"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
11-01-2023, 02:37 AM

Wolves appeared, some friendlier than others, and the group of Hallows wolves were ushered inside. Dusk hadn't complained about the cold but she'd been feeling it, so when she felt the first caress of warmth from the fire, the young woman's eyes closed for a moment. She hadn't realized just how frozen her paws felt.

Once inside, pleasantries were traded. As Artorias and Vidarr spoke, Dusk took a step back and shook the snow from her bison fur cloak near the door. One paw rose to remove the cloak so that it might have a moment to dry and she might have a moment without its weight. By the time she moved back to the group, Ember had already introduced herself and was mentioning the gifts that she brought. Technically, Dusk had brought them. She carried the gifts all the way from The Hallows.

Taking up the pack that had been hidden beneath the cloak, Dusk moved forward, placing the package between them all. Curling her long tail to the side, she used one of Whisper's blades to slice through the twine holding everything together. She moved the aforementioned blankets aside to reveal a few bottles of wine. "Dusk Carpathius," she spoke clearly. "We've brought you a few bottles of Hallowed wine as well."

"Dusk Carpathius"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
11-09-2023, 03:05 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2023, 03:09 AM by Víðarr. Edited 1 time in total.)

Though the viking king doesn't necessarily trust the man, he believes in hospitality. His gaze remained steady, curious. A little twinkle around the corners, too, at the mention of gifts. In return they wanted information... this is a worthy trade, in his mind. The girls present their gifts, particularly the eldest. The weapon was one she wielded carefully, the viking king giving an approving grin. Even from his distance, it was difficult to mistake a well-made weapon. "Thank you for your generosity," he began, addressing the girls in particular. He's good with children, not so much with politics, after all.

"Please, eat, rest, warm up." Víðarr moves easily through the space, pulling preserved foods out, as well as dumping some dried meat and vegetables into water on the fire to reheat. The gods worked in mysterious ways, and you never knew quite who was knocking on your door, after all. Speaking of gods, actually... "The Hallows, you said? Would you say hello to Audra for me?" He speaks with a soft smile, particularly to the girls. Children were good at remembering these sorts of things, after all.

"Make yourselves at home, girls. I suspect Erik is more fun than me or your dad, and some of the others may come down too." Víðarr smiled before turning his attention to Artorias, dipping his muzzle to Tenshi as well, should she wish to join them. Politics and all that were probably part of the job description now.


[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
11-28-2023, 05:35 PM

Following her family into the territory, Clove made sure to stay close. Not that she didn’t trust her father to protect them, and she didn’t think these new wolves were dangerous. But, one could never be too sure about strangers. Once they were ushered into a cave, she couldn’t help but stare at the large, crackling fire. The new woman who arrived started tending to it, in which Clove watched. Wanting to see how she fed the fire, poked it around, and shifted the logs to keep it roaring. The warmth felt amazing, and she could feel some of the chill melting away from her bones. Settling in next to her sisters, she can’t help but glance at the boy again. Noticing that Ember was staring at him too, because he was quiet and reclusive. Something they weren’t used to back home.

Artorias plunged into the politics, which Clove had been waiting for. Listening, storing information that was given. She waited until it was her turn to present the last of their gifts for the mountain folk. “Hello, I’m Clove.” Introducing herself before moving towards Dusk, Clove shuffled through the belongings they brought until she found the bag of herbs. Clutching it close, she returned to the group, setting it down in front of Víðarr and Tenshi. “Here are some herbs you can only find in the Wildberry Grove and God’s Garden. Most of them are for medicines, and we put some yummy berries in there too!” Excited to give them to the pair, Clove giggled as she pushed the bag forward and returned to her sisters. The man was pleased with the gifts too, and thanked them for it. She felt her face light up, becoming warm and red.

Víðarr put some food out for them, and Clove waited for her father’s okay before picking up whatever was closest to her and taking a bite. While munching on a piece of dried meat, she looked over at the boy again. Only because, Víðarr said he might be more fun to hang out with. She was open to playing with him, but only if he presented an invitation. She wasn’t to ask for attention. And if he decided to stay around with the old guys, maybe she and Ember could go out and explore the mountain.



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
12-30-2023, 04:46 PM

Artorias watched, a picture perfect proud father, as his daughters presented their offerings to the alphas of Heiðinn one by one. Each girl was respectful and made the Aegis gush with pride at how they brought honor and dignity to their family and their pack. Víðarr laid out some food for them and when Clove looked up at him waiting for his approval to dig in, her sire gave her a nod and a smile. How an adult treated children was a very telling fact that Artorias paid close attention to, and it was a subtle social test that Víðarr passed with flying colors. The alpha was exceeding any of Art's expectations so far. Víðarr asked about Audra and extended his greetings to their healer, and Artorias' smile widened as he tipped his head in acknowledgement. "I will certainly pass your regards on to her. She's been well, and I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear from a friend."

Víðarr offered for the children to go off and play, and Artorias nodded to his daughters. "Go ahead, girls! Just remember your manners and play nice." Art then turned his attention to Dusk, the eldest of the offspring gathered. He didn't know if his yearling daughter would be so inclined to go scampering off with the pups or if she'd rather stay with the adults, so he would give her the choice. "You're more than welcome to stay if you prefer, Dusk." Once the pups had dismissed themselves off to go play and explore, the Aegis returned his attention back to the Konungr and Drottning. Time to get down to business, he supposed. "Besides the pleasantries, I did come for more than just a sampling of your hospitality, Lord Víðarr," Artorias began. "As alphas, I'm sure you appreciate the value of knowledge and information as much as I do. I wanted to get as feel for Heiðinn, to know you and your people, and in turn I'd like to share what the Hallows is with you."

Artorias gestured to the medicines and herbs that Clove had offered them form the lush, loamy soils of Auster. "The Hallows is a sanctuary pack, built to offer shelter and healing for those who need it. We offer our talents and services to any who come to us in peace, and it is our most paramount tenet. This includes you, your family, and your pack. Our gates are always open if you need the aid." Artorias was no fool; packs always had their own healers, but given that Heiðinn resided in such harsh territories, it did leave the question of how abundant their medicines would be. And even then, there were strange and rare afflictions in this world. Even now, his sister was pouring herself into research around the Long Night's plague and trying to find cures for its lingering side effects.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
12-30-2023, 04:52 PM

Ember was elated that Víðarr seemed pleased with all their gifts! Okay, sure, so maybe the gifts weren't their ideas and their father had told them what to give, but that didn't mean she couldn't still bask in the pride of a job well done! Looking up at her sire, even he seemed proud of how they had handled themselves. Score! And, oh! Víðarr was putting out food now! Well, don't mind if I do! Ember was already reaching for some of the dried meat before Artorias had even given them the okay, chewing happily away at her snack while the adults did their whole 'diplomacy' thing. When Víðarr addressed them directly, Ember looked up at the tall brute, giving him a sweet smile and a little tail wag in reply. He gave them permission to go off and play, and that was all the invitation the girl needed.

Springing to her paws and snatching up her wool cloak again, Ember swiftly tied it around her neck and helped Clove with hers. Just sisterly things. The midnight-furred pup cast a quick glance back at the strange boy Víðarr introduced as Erik one more time before giving both Heiðinn alphas a charming smile. "Thank you so much, Mister Víðarr and Miss Tenshi!" she thanked them (totally not because her dad had reminded her too) before turning and leading Clove out of the cave to go explore the mountain some more.

- exit Ember -


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-12-2024, 02:35 PM
Tenshi settles in as the group gathers. With the fire at a comfortable heat and Vidarr grabbing food for Artorias and the girls to eat, she turns to seat herself among the group. Listening quietly as Vidarr and Artorias speaks, she is pleased than the man gives his daughters a chance to speak. First is the eldest, her matured form is a clear distinction from the younger ones. Then as the other two introduce themselves and offer their gifts, Tenshi isn't surprised when they excuse themselves. The other pups of Heidinn are roughly their age and surely would be more entertaining than this gathering.

With Vidarr and Artorias speaking to each other, that left her with Dusk. Turning to the elder Hallows daughter, she assesses the dark coated girl. "You are quite strong for traveling all the way here with the gifts," Tenshi's lips hover, a small curl before she turns to push a cup of warmed tea toward the girl. "Tell me. Do you know how they make this Hallowed wine? What is so special about it?" Her head tilts a little before she lowers her muzzle to sip from her own tea. Leaving the floor open for the girl to respond, she even scoots slightly closer so Dusk doesn't need to speak over the men.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
02-12-2024, 03:13 PM

Dusks sisters broke off from the group and the older girl looked after them with a slight glint of concern in her fiery gaze. They'd better not get hurt or there would be hell to pay. Dusk was given permission to stay and she did so, continuing to sit tall and observe the adults as they interacted.

Tenshi scooted a little closer to her, complimenting her stamina and the antlered girl nodded. "Thank you." A cup of tea was offered and the girl's lynx-tipped ears shifted forward. She lifted the cup, inhaling lightly before taking a sip. The tea was really good. Nice and warm and herbal. "Thank you again," Dusk nodded.

The gold marked fae asked after the wine that came from The Hallows. Dusk gave her head a shake. "I don't know the whole process, actually." The girl gave a slightly sheepish smile. "I have a hard time paying attention if I don't find something interesting. My interest is fighting and weaponry. Wine... is just boring."

"Dusk Carpathius"

[Image: WlfCSL1.png]


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-12-2024, 03:21 PM
Tenshi's chin nods at Dusk's thank you. She appreciated that the girl had manners which meant that Artorias and surely their mother taught them well. Dusk's next words and sheepish smile have her chuckling quietly. "Ah, a girl who knows what she wants," her smile is warm and motherly as she takes another sip from her tea. "The thing about wine or tea is that it has nothing to do with the actual drink that matters," she pauses, her icy gaze lifting back up to the girl. "But the patience it takes to make it," Tenshi winks before moving toward the fire and motioning for Dusk to join her. The men could converse in all things men.

"There are many different types of beverages that exist in the world. No one such flavor is better than the other," Tenshi pauses, looking to see if Dusk is listening. "That is why the type of drink doesn't matter. You can put wolfsbane in the tea and if done correctly, whoever you give it to won't notice until it's too late," the dark smile on her lips curls slightly at the edge of her lips. "What is important about the making of beverages is the patience that goes into it. Knowing how long to mash berries, at what point the herb must be cultivated, how long to boil the water, to let the liquid sit. If one is not patient, one will end up with a disgusting concoction," she pauses, gaze moving from the pot with simmering water back up to Dusk. "With patience, just like in fighting, if one waits for the right moment, one will always be successful in their endeavors," Tenshi raises a brow once more, wondering if Dusk understands what she's saying.

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