
...and, if it's not really me? What then?




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-22-2023, 06:53 PM

Rivin had returned to the Raiders after a few days away, attempting to recover from killing someone else. Only this time… her victim had been… a wolf. Her antler had pierced his throat and, as Rivin broke through, she watched the stranger gurgle his last breaths as he choked on his own blood. For the first time as a fighter she was horrified. She had killed other predators, but this was the first time she had taken the life of her own species. She had been aware of the impact, almost like she was watching from outside of herself. She couldn’t explain it, but she was aware of that out conscious now. And it terrified her.

Now that she was back at the island, she still hesitated to go to the main dens. She sat on the beach, her expression haunted. She had slept, but not very well, haunted by this thing within her. She was afraid. She didn’t know how to approach Gilgamesh about it… especially now. She thought she had it under control. That if she had just kept herself calm enough there wouldn’t be any danger. Her body trembled as she stared at her paws. What if the next time she took a life, it belonged to one of the Raiders? What if…

‘...and if you do? So what? This pack is weak. Sad. The only one who holds promise is your father.’ That voice. For the first time Rivin heard her clearly. It wasn’t just whispers she couldn’t make out. She leapt to her paws, ears pinned against her skull. “They are my family, my friends!” She cried out. Cold laughter was heard within as her heartbeat quickened.

‘Friends? You think because the Raid King encouraged you to work with your pathetic little plants he cares? That trip with… Scald was it? Was anything more than duty? The only one I see who truly cares is that sweet little calico boy… and once I get rid of him–” A snarl ripped from Riven’s throat and her fur bristled. “Don’t you fucking DARE hurt Jack!”

An amused rumble this time. ‘You’re too weak to stop me, sweetheart. It’s time you stop pretending and let a real woman take control.’ This couldn’t be happening. She needed help. How was she supposed to fight something that was inside herself? Rivin shook her head back and forth, but all the woman within did was laugh.

This was when the real fun would begin.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. ...and, if it's not really me? What then? Dove Island Archipelago 06:53 PM, 10-22-2023 02:07 PM, 03-07-2024