
Baa, baa, black sheep

Drag - hunting



Master Hunter (250)

Master Navigator (245)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-25-2023, 05:42 AM

Wilder admires the scenery as he lopes along. Massive fossilized bones litter the black dirt of the hills, revealing creatures that no longer roamed the lands. What exactly they were was beyond his knowledge. Something he didn't mind knowing because the teeth on some of those monsters were terrifying! His eyes would linger on the outcroppings of dig sites where it was clear wolves had spent time moving and shifting dirt and breaking open stone and rock to find out more about these old-world animals. Had they found anything significant? Wilder thinks about the possibility of ever coming across such a beast as he crests the next hill and takes another breathless break. Boy, he was out of shape!

Scanning the landscape once more, he lays his eyes back on the sheep that mill about at the bottom of a small valley between the hills. He counts and notices there are a few lambs that might be easy for him to take alone. Once he decides on his target, he notices a dark form slinking through the grass. From his position atop the hill, he sees the wolf also going for the sheep, but they appear rather... old. Oh, Maybe they could work together!

Taking a longer way around so he can also lower himself to the ground and slowly approach the wolf from the side, Wilder approaches Greed as silently as he can. "Want some help? I'm pretty face. I can cut one off and drive it back to you to take down," the boy grins with both ears perked and tail wagging, hoping the old man will agree.


Thread Move Log
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1. Baa, baa, black sheep Fossil Ridge 06:30 PM, 10-24-2023 04:45 PM, 02-28-2024