
they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!!



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
11-03-2023, 09:31 PM

Sedna usually slept quite soundly beneath a sea of bodies, but this night was different. First one, then another moved away rapidly and between the banging and the jostling, the aging mother rose to her feet, shedding the rest of her brood that remained. Tori's baying dogs only added to the panic. Fuji and her cat were out the door and a quick headcount had the mother's brows drawing down in distress. She checked the room, the hall, her healing room, and for now at least, the hut seemed free of intruders, but she wasn't about to hang around and find out.

Torn between protecting her brood (sure they were growing rapidly and had show their competence readily, but they were still just children) and joining the fight for her home, she had to come up with a compromise. "Stay close," They would be easy pickings, but it was better to be close enough to do something about it.

Moving out into the cleared area at the front of their home with the tidy little herb garden and the kiln she had built with her own paws, the mother moved cautiously. When shadows moved across the opening of the dead end where they made their home she positioned herself defensively in front of her children and moved towards the straggler group that seemed a little less confident than the ones that had burst into their home.

[Image: mangomouse.jpg]

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1. they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!! Bamboo Maze 08:57 AM, 10-30-2023 04:43 PM, 02-28-2024