
they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!!



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Samhain 2022Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-08-2023, 01:09 PM

Unlike some, Nami had been sleeping soundly, no doubt dreaming of fish - not just of fishing, but of being a fish. How freely she swam through the waterways, dipping and diving through large fields of coral, gliding through the water as easily as a bird through air. In her dreams she was free, even more free than she could ever be in her day-to-day life, though her bliss was cut short by the sound of barking hounds, signaling danger. She was confused and groggy upon waking, jerking upright and listening, hoping her ears had deceived her - she realized quickly though that they hadn't, and that something was wrong.

She barely hesitated in jumping up and heading toward the bamboo maze. Though she wasn't a fighter, she was a protector, a helper to anyone who needed it - and who deserved it more than her pack? She wasn't yet familiar with most of the wolves of Tojo-Kai but Hanzo had shown her kindness, and Kuroo was someone she considered a dear friend. It wasn't even that she couldn't forgive herself if anything happened to them, she didn't even think of it like that - she just needed to help. That was all there was to it.

The sound of fighting became apparent as she approached, even obvious under the cover of night. The darkness only added to the confusion though. Who was attacking, and why? It made no sense to her. Scanning the horizon, she locked onto a few scents. Kuroo! He was here, and she'd find him no matter what it took. She swore she heard his cries, but it was not just him that seemed to be the target.

Moving forward into the maze of bamboo without thinking much about what she was doing, it became quickly apparent it wasn't just Kuroo under attack. There was a flash of fur as wolves struck wolves, some familiar and others not. It became alarmingly clear that Tojo-Kai was under attack then and Nami moved on instinct. She didn't have a fighting bone in her body but she launched her thin frame at the wolf that seemed to be going after Kuroo. Eyes narrowed and lips peeled back, though no snarl left her throat as she lunged - aiming to help debilitate the enemy. Causing harm didn't feel good to her, even if it was being done to protect someone she cared for, and she fought back surprising tears that began to burn at the corners of her eyes as she tried with all her might to latch onto the stranger and help bring them down.

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1. they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!! Bamboo Maze 08:57 AM, 10-30-2023 04:43 PM, 02-28-2024