
the rusted steel

[ kite ]



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
11-15-2023, 01:28 AM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2023, 01:29 AM by Kyanite. Edited 1 time in total.)

Kite kept her nose in Leftys general direction. She couldn’t look at the wolf, so she took what info she could from scent. It was less than she would have liked. Once she was sure she would be obeyed, she waited for Lioness to return to her paws. With her guide at her side, she turned and left Lefty without another word. Curious to see how well the other wolf could navigate, and how quickly she jumped to obeying.

She had settled into her den, it was deep enough in the cave that she was able to take her blindfold off once more, and see Lefty coming. “Good.” She said in way of thanks, and pulled the tin closer. She looked at it with a wrinkle of her nose for a moment. Putting salve over the cracked wound in her eye was no fun, and just the thought of it left her more sour than usual. Perhaps that was why her next ‘mission’ for Lefty popped into her head. Or perhaps she just wanted to make other wolves as miserable as she was. “I have a very important job for you, Lefty” She said carefully. “There's a dagger that I want. It can be found in Basilisk’s den, in the room at the back.” Left would be familiar with that room, through Kite didn’t know that Lefty was denning with Bas’s brat. “It's a small dagger with Fatalis engraved in it. That’s my family’s name, mind you. Fetch it for me. Oh, and keep this to yourself. Don’t be spotted.”


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