
drip drip drop little april shower



11-16-2023, 07:21 PM

Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane-- it's true. Selkie has already established this part of herself early, and she can't help it. Mischief comes easily, and comes often. Mischief could lead to trouble for such a tiny, soft thing. That's okay! Selkie couldn't even begin to imagine a world where any of them let anything bad happen to her. She's safe here, many sets of watchful eyes lurking just out of view. No harm would come to her here, or anywhere else for that matter. No harm would come to her, not when her daddy or brothers had something to say about it.

She's not entirely surprised when Quill picks her up by the scruff. The pup gave a small whimper of protest, but she knew better than to fight it. He's broad and warm, something that leaves the tiny girl to realize just how cold she'd been. Shivering still, just a bit, she curled closer to the man with a little sigh. Already, she begins trying to clean the mud from her paws, ridding herself of the mud before it has a chance to dry. "Are you a healer like momma?" Selkie settles after a moment, satisfied with her clean paws. She leans back into Quill, looking up at him with wide, curious red eyes. Selkie rests her head gently on his shoulder, happy to be somewhere warm.

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1. drip drip drop little april shower Redwater Rocks 09:52 AM, 11-15-2023 03:37 AM, 02-13-2024