
they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!!



Master Healer (250)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

6 Years

11-20-2023, 10:13 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2023, 10:14 AM by Kiriko. Edited 1 time in total.)

They'd come. They'd come for her. Kiriko's heart pounded in her chest, her head spun. She raced through the bamboo, doing her best to dart among it, to hide. She needed to hide. The fear coursed through her system, thick and hot. Everything hurt. Her lungs ached. Her muscles ached. Her chest ached. Head spinning. All of it. Everything memory of the original fall of the empire flooding back to her system, Kiriko could feel it. It hurt. How did it physically hurt so badly?

It's then that she realizes, she's stepped into some sort of trap. Though the bleeding wasn't bad yet, the wire had sliced into the flesh some. That's where the ache was coming from. More red splashed on her red and white coat. No, it wasn't a trap Kiriko had stepped into. It was a trip wire. There was an alert of some sort that rippled through, and suddenly she was under hot pursuit. The hottest. Though the creature making the noise was far smaller than herself, it was also far more vicious.

The creature had advantage on her, cutting through the bamboo brutally. Kiriko lashed out with a yelp, a snarl. Hattori's voice calling to her-- her heart. He knew they were here for her. The beast, the intruder, reaches out and grabs her hind leg. The red koi turns and snaps, a yelp ripping free from her chest. Pain bloomed heavily through her system. She couldn't keep running. Though the intruder tried to trip her up, tried to tangle her, Kiriko dove forward. She kept running. "Hattori!" Breathless, all she can do is call his name right back.

Bursting through to where Hattori stood, bleeding from her right rear leg, Kiriko made her way to Hattori's side. She couldn't help but whimper, doe eyed, as she stood by his side. Standing tall, trying to look every bit as regal as she usually did, though she could only mostly conceal the trembling.


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1. they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!! Bamboo Maze 08:57 AM, 10-30-2023 04:43 PM, 02-28-2024