
In This Moment


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-24-2023, 06:59 PM

Nelu settled in the courtyard to work on his forms and his balance. He was growing swiftly into his adult frame but not all of his body had kept up with the growth. He was lanky, large-pawed, but filling out fast. It made for an awkward time. His body seemed like it was changing faster than he could keep up. He'd get comfortable with one set of moves only to find the dynamic changed when he became that much taller. Still, he did his best to keep on top of his physical exercises as well as the mental ones, even if the weather was less than stellar.

Autumn brought with it windy weather and this evening seemed particular tempestuous. The stone walls of the courtyard only served to block some of it where as in other parts his curved and channeled the wind in unexpected ways. Nelu squinted as he eyed Aster and Samiri. The duo was trying to help him with his forms but the wind was proving tricky for both his companions. Samiri was small and thin, easily blown about if she got to far up above the ground. As for Aster, the raven was having a time with the winds. He was able to navigate, diving down at Nelu, but even the pup could see how much his companion was having to struggle to make head way.

A particularly nasty gust kicked up across the courtyard grounds, stirring dust into the air. Nelu coughed and shook his head, eyes narrowed into slits as he tried to keep himself alert despite the weather conditions.

WC: 267

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1. In This Moment Amron's Castle 06:59 PM, 11-24-2023 05:21 AM, 02-19-2024