
In This Moment


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-24-2023, 06:59 PM

Nelu settled in the courtyard to work on his forms and his balance. He was growing swiftly into his adult frame but not all of his body had kept up with the growth. He was lanky, large-pawed, but filling out fast. It made for an awkward time. His body seemed like it was changing faster than he could keep up. He'd get comfortable with one set of moves only to find the dynamic changed when he became that much taller. Still, he did his best to keep on top of his physical exercises as well as the mental ones, even if the weather was less than stellar.

Autumn brought with it windy weather and this evening seemed particular tempestuous. The stone walls of the courtyard only served to block some of it where as in other parts his curved and channeled the wind in unexpected ways. Nelu squinted as he eyed Aster and Samiri. The duo was trying to help him with his forms but the wind was proving tricky for both his companions. Samiri was small and thin, easily blown about if she got to far up above the ground. As for Aster, the raven was having a time with the winds. He was able to navigate, diving down at Nelu, but even the pup could see how much his companion was having to struggle to make head way.

A particularly nasty gust kicked up across the courtyard grounds, stirring dust into the air. Nelu coughed and shook his head, eyes narrowed into slits as he tried to keep himself alert despite the weather conditions.

WC: 267


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-01-2023, 04:02 PM

Mercury was making his way back from patrols. Having spent much of his day circling the Hallows territory - especially the open expanse of the meadows. As he passed through the castle courtyard, he caught sight of little Nelu. The boy was a good pupil to work with, and he was clearly trying hard. He watched for a moment as he attempted to work on his defences and stances, despite the strong wind blowing through the old stones. His companions especially were having a hard time of it.

After a moment of watching, Merc trotted forward, placing himself before the concentrating boy. “Hello, Nelu” He said, his voice warm and welcoming. “Turn your back to the wind, so your head is with it instead of against it.” He advised, moving his own body so he was taking his own advice. The wind really was strong here. The direction of the stones must be creating a tunnel for the wind.

But perhaps that was a good thing, it was good to learn how to fight even when the conditions were against you. “Keep your eyes narrowed, sight is vital. Would you like to have a practice spar and see how to fight in these conditions?” He suggested.

Total: 478


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
12-18-2023, 07:38 PM

Nelu tilted his head trying to keep his nose out of direct line of the wind so it would be easier to breath. He spread his limbs, claws digging into the earth as he tried to push forward back toward the castle. He was large for his age but still the wind was proving a formidable force. If it weren't for the dust and debris the walk would've been much more enjoyable. Samiri clung to his fur, digging into his shoulder blades as she tried to shelter herself.

At that moment he caught sight of Mercury and nodded a greeting to the older man. "Hello, sir, this wind… it is indeed something is it not?" His ears twitched, flopping in the breeze for a moment before he pinned them to his head. Nelu could still hear the older man's instructions and he swiftly did as the other instructed, positioning his back to the wind. It immediately helped and he kept his eyes narrowed, shifting so he could get a better look at the man. Mercury mentioned a spar and Nelu considered it for a moment. It would be difficult but it was also important to be able to fight in a number of conditions, no matter how unpleasant. His father had already made that point clear when they'd sparred in the mud.

"Yes sir, I think that would be a valuable lesson." He quickly set his remaining defenses, pinning his heads to his head, tucking his tail and rolling his shoulders forward while scrunching his neck back. At the moment they were both facing the same direction, with Mercury to his side. Rather than waiting for the other man to face him Nelu opted to start the spar. He knew he wouldn't always be facing his opponent head on in a formal match.

Nelu shifted his weight to his front left leg, pivoting on it as he kicked off sharply with his hind legs to face in towards Mercury's side. Immediately he felt the blast of wind to his left side, forcing his left eye completely shut as his jaws lashed out, trying to score a bite on the older wolf's lower side, just behind his elbow.

WC: 367
Total: 845


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 02:02 AM

Mercury gave a light chuckle as he trotted closer. The wing was icy against his fur, raking through the thickness of his coat and letching away much of his warmth. A good bit of exercise would help to warm him up, and he already knew that Nelu was a quick study and a pleasure to teach. The Commander watched with a careful eye as the white wolf followed his instructions, moving his back to the wind and narrowing his eyes. Mercury of course would try to turn and lead him back into the wind during the practice match. That was the point of training in these conditions, to learn how to anticipate what your opponent would do.

“Excellent, into position then” he instructed. His voice was both warm and commanding as he did the same. Tucking his tail, slicking back his ears, narrowing his eyes. His paws were spread out, and his toes dug into the earth behind him. He appreciated the extra bit of traction as a strong gust of wind swept through him. Yes, moving would definitely be good. Anything to warm them up a little.

They were both turned so that they followed the direction of the wind, neither wishing to start the match with the wind tearing at their vision. Of course, it wasn’t really avoidable in a match. Nelu gave up the advantage as he faced off with the Commander, as he lashed out Mercury snapped his head down low, baring his teeth at the other wolf. As his green eyed opponent went for his side, he attempted to snap his own teeth at Nelu’s chest. Immediately feeling the strength of the wind as he turned his head with the attack.

Total: 1133


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
12-31-2023, 04:41 PM

The wind itself wasn't the only issue, but the debris it kicked up as well, particularly the dust. Nelu didn't dare open his left eye for to get dust in it would have the same effect with the addition of pain. He would do his best with one eye for now until he could get into a position where the wind was at his back. Nelu's attack was intercepted as Mercury's head darted down toward him, fangs aiming for his chest. It was in this moment that Nelu realized the wind could be his ally and rather than fight against it he let it aid him.

Nelu leaned to his right, letting the wind push him and knock him down onto his right side. He used the momentum to roll and get back on his feet, Mercury's fangs just grazing the top of his head as he rolled. It stung but he was growing used to the sensation of pain, given Aster's habit of plucking at his fur when they sparred. As soon as he was on his feet Nelu sprang into action, this time risking a head on attack. The advantage with this was that Mercury's larger frame blocked the wind and gave him a moment's respite though he knew the older man would move and he'd need to recalculate.

Nelu's head rotated as he ducked down, seeking to slip part way under the large man. His fangs sought to grasp Mercury's right front leg, his lower fangs seeking to grasp the outside while his upper fangs aimed for the inside. He hoped to get a hold and use his momentum and the wind to aid in toppling his opponent. This was risk of course but he had all four feet on the ground and from the angle he was at it was his scruff that was most exposed.

As he moved Nelu sought to keep his defenses set as best he could. His ears in particular were pinned tight to his head. That was another thing he’d noticed with the wind. It affected his hearing. Even with his ears pinned the roar of the wind made it even more difficult to hear than usual. He kept his tail tucked, his toes wide and claws seeking to grip the earth. He also made sure to tuck his neck and roll his shoulders forward as much as possible while committing his attack, knowing that retaliation would occur at any second.

WC: 410
Total: 1543

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1. In This Moment Amron's Castle 06:59 PM, 11-24-2023 05:21 AM, 02-19-2024