
Its All A Bit Foggy



11-28-2023, 07:31 PM

Though spring had surely taken hold of other parts of the continent, it was hard to make a convincing argument of it here. As Tsuga padded along the shore he kept his eyes down on the tide-rounded rocks, always shifting beneath cautiously placed paws when he least expected it. Dawn had risen overcast, seemingly without the will or strength to chase away the night's chill. It brought with it a dense fog which had rolled in over the waves, dampening sound and fur alike. It was dreary, but Tsu wasn't complaining.

Something about days like this felt powerful, with air quiet and dense like the woods while a predator moves through, but without the lingering threat. All he could hear was the gentle lap of the waves on stone perhaps fifteen body lengths on his left, all he could see was the vague suggestion of a tree line twice that distance away on his right. Nothing in front of him but a misty white abyss.

There was no use in wandering blindly through a fog, and Tsuga knew he would eventually have to turn for the cliffs and find a nice overhang to curl up beneath, or perhaps a particularly large hollow log. A day like today was meant to be enjoyed from somewhere warm and dry, to properly balance out the chill and damp. He wouldn't mind starting a fire, though he doubted he could find kindling dry enough to do so. Perhaps he would just daydream of crackling warmth, and call it good enough.

"Talk," - "Listen" - Think

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1. Its All A Bit Foggy The Polar Sound 07:31 PM, 11-28-2023 12:59 PM, 03-08-2024