
Its All A Bit Foggy



11-28-2023, 07:31 PM

Though spring had surely taken hold of other parts of the continent, it was hard to make a convincing argument of it here. As Tsuga padded along the shore he kept his eyes down on the tide-rounded rocks, always shifting beneath cautiously placed paws when he least expected it. Dawn had risen overcast, seemingly without the will or strength to chase away the night's chill. It brought with it a dense fog which had rolled in over the waves, dampening sound and fur alike. It was dreary, but Tsu wasn't complaining.

Something about days like this felt powerful, with air quiet and dense like the woods while a predator moves through, but without the lingering threat. All he could hear was the gentle lap of the waves on stone perhaps fifteen body lengths on his left, all he could see was the vague suggestion of a tree line twice that distance away on his right. Nothing in front of him but a misty white abyss.

There was no use in wandering blindly through a fog, and Tsuga knew he would eventually have to turn for the cliffs and find a nice overhang to curl up beneath, or perhaps a particularly large hollow log. A day like today was meant to be enjoyed from somewhere warm and dry, to properly balance out the chill and damp. He wouldn't mind starting a fire, though he doubted he could find kindling dry enough to do so. Perhaps he would just daydream of crackling warmth, and call it good enough.

"Talk," - "Listen" - Think



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-29-2023, 10:32 AM

Maki for all her imagination didn't know much about the world at large. She very much liked the idea of it and daydreamed near constantly, but actually going out there and seeing it for herself? Hm, she wasn't sure if that was for her really, it was real nice to lay all cosy in her den and just think about cool things she'd like to do. Instead of trying, and probably failing, to do it herself. Sometimes she wandered a little ways away from home though, the fog called out to her with promises of monsters with sharp teeth and a sense of danger that was oddly thrilling.

She was careful-ish, as she ambled across the rocks. Slipping a time or two and sending them skittering into the water. Still, her senses were not so dull that she didn't realise she wasn't alone out there, a thought that made her heart rate pick up its pace. She paused, mismatched ears flicking as she tried to pinpoint as to where that sound had come from. If she'd been smart she would have taken a whiff, but in her mind ghosts who dwelled in the fog probably didn't smell of anything. Did air even have its own scent? Hm.

Oh man, wouldn't it be so terrible (exciting?) if she was kidnapped by some sort of fog monster? It'd make a great story at least, the whole forbidden romance angle and all that.

"Ello?" She called out softly, making her voice shy and timid for the drama.

[Image: dfv6kr2-ecca3233-91c7-4b9d-8cd6-563616ef...2RHh0DJeE0]


11-29-2023, 08:31 PM

Something about the fog made everything else seem distant and quiet, as if Tsuga was trapped in his own little world and everything else was separate. That delusion was inevitably shattered when he maybe heard rocks shifting under someone else's paws, followed by what was definitely someone else's voice. He startled, coming up short as the facade of peaceful seclusion fell to bits around him. It took him a moment to parse out that the voice had been young, and sounded for all he knew to be just as uncertain as he had suddenly found himself.

"Hello?" He called back, swiveling as he tried to place it's source. "Is someone-" ... There, just barely visible was the outline of another wolf, pale and taller than he was and very possibly a ghost. He had yet to encounter a corporeal spirit, though his Grandfather had lectured him at great length about the proper courtesies he must observe if Tsuga ever did have the opportunity. He was just about to dip into a low bow when he caught a bit of the girl's scent on the wind. No smell of ozone or ice, just... a young girl.

Alright, no bowing required, embarrassing mistake narrowly avoided.

He took a careful step forward as his mind rearranged the order of highest priorities. She had sounded nervous, and while she was almost a good head taller than himself, as he got a clearer look at the stranger he could tell she was still a youngling. Poor thing must have gotten lost in the fog. "Ah, hello there!" He cleared his throat, shuffling a bit in place as he battled between checking she wasn't injured or otherwise distressed and encroaching on a stranger's space. "Are you alright? I wasn't expecting to cross paths with anyone on a day like today... Lovely weather, eh?" Maybe that would get a laugh out of the youngling, or maybe she was like him and could also appreciate when things were dour and cold in a good way.

"Talk," - "Listen" - Think



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-30-2023, 12:50 PM

Though probably not entirely appropriate, Maki couldn't help but let out an impressed ooooh when they were both finally close enough to take in the sight of one another. Was it rude to think he looked cool? That she wished any of her character designs looked half as interesting as he did, all earthy with cool tones mixed in with warm. And gosh he had such a laid back way of speaking, all friendly but not too friendly, you know? If her rattie buddy was here she would have hastily told the rodent to take notes! Inspiration came from anywhere after all, she had to stay on her toes.

"It's cool innit?"She cheeped, tail wagging high. "Thought you were a ghost n'd all." And maybe she was a little disappointed that he wasn't, just a smidge. But she was quick to brush past that, she hadn't met too many strangers in her year on this spinning rock in space and she probably ought to do something about that, right?

[Image: dfv6kr2-ecca3233-91c7-4b9d-8cd6-563616ef...2RHh0DJeE0]


11-30-2023, 05:58 PM

Tsuga figured he must have imagined that first tentative call. Not that he thought she hadn't spoken, obviously, just the bit where this stranger might have been afraid or somehow upset. The young wolf before him seemed anything but, replying to him with wide eyes and wagging tail. The weather was cool, and maybe he was a ghost, and neither of these things were distressing in the slightest.

He couldn't help but smile, or hold in the short laugh that bubbled out. "I was half convinced you were a ghost too, just for a moment." Pausing to take in her mismatched appearance and size, he added on, "You'd make a good one, you know. My Grandfather once told me a story about a spirit that couldn't make up it's mind between light and dark, and how it ended up making that everyone else's problem." He sat down on his haunches, smile growing as he let his mind drift back to memories of a winter den, huddled with his siblings as a storm raged outside.

Whether she might resemble a fabled spirit or not, it was a lucky thing the youngling was full attached to the mortal plane, not least because her death at this point would be untimely and therefore tragic. Tsuga didn't have anything to help him deal with a wandering spirit, no incense or distracting baubles or protective wards. Who knows was sort of angry beastie might attach itself to him, and without a sheltering grove he would be hard pressed to send it on its way.

He snapped out of that train of thought before it got away from him entirely, and realized in the same breath that he was being rude. "I'm Tsuga, by the way, at your service." He dipped his head in a shallow bob, and inwardly grinned that his mother would be proud of his good manners.

"Talk," - "Listen" - Think



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
12-01-2023, 03:34 PM

Maki perked up, eyes near sparkling at his words. She'd never thought about it that way before, but she sure liked the thought of being a ghost. Not cause she wanted to die or nothin' like that, though the idea of going out in a blaze of glory was quite appealing... But ahem, being able to just ghost about, the mystery and intrigue but most of all the edge. Haunting felt like it'd be a very girl boss thing to do, you know? She imagined she'd be more confident in herself as a ghost too, all cool and whispy, maybe her eyes would glow for effect. Either way, it was something she would seriously consider later, maybe even cook up a sprawling description that would take up many pages of her

"Do ya know a lot about ghosts?" Because the way he spoke was very laid back, but smart at the same time. She bounced a little on the spot, a mix of excitement and overflowing Maki'isms that just made it hard to keep still. "M'Maki!"And she'd already decided she liked him, though the bar was admittedly kinda low. "I real like stories, you got anymore? We could trade maybe."

Oh little did he know what a dangerous proposition that was, if he were to accept it.
[Image: dfv6kr2-ecca3233-91c7-4b9d-8cd6-563616ef...2RHh0DJeE0]

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1. Its All A Bit Foggy The Polar Sound 07:31 PM, 11-28-2023 12:59 PM, 03-08-2024