
the path of the wind




Master Healer (250)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

6 Years

11-30-2023, 06:12 AM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2023, 06:14 AM by Kiriko. Edited 1 time in total.)

Life had slipped into a new normal. Kiriko didn't have anything to complain about. Really, things had progressed rather quietly. Instead of moving out of Hattori's den now that the threat seemed to be resolved, she stuck close to him. He'd been persuaded to let her in once, now it seemed he was stuck with her. She would go to great lengths to ensure there was nothing for Hattori to complain about either, to be fair. The persuading would continue, artful as it was. Couldn't come off as overly eager, either. It had been a fun challenge, and it seemed she'd gotten her prize.

Changes were beginning, subtle as they were. Kiriko found herself retiring earlier each evening, and sleep coming more deeply. More easily nauseous, she'd been shying away from much more than fish and egg. Well, that wasn't entirely the case. Yesterday she'd awoken with a craving for coconuts that couldn't be willed away. So much so, Kiriko promised Erik she would turn the large piece of amethyst he'd found into a blade for a knife if he brought her two. Thankfully, the boy had delivered.

Perhaps the most glaring shift was just how much more she needed Hattori. At first, Kiriko chalked it up to her feelings for him. He'd kept her safe. He'd taken care of her. Of course she should feel this way. Still, they were apart for more than a few hours, she found herself anxious. Was it the trauma of the attack even that could maybe be written off. Too many things lined up, though she could have sworn she was out of season at the time...

Not wanting to trouble Sedna (and not wanting to out her ahem extra curricular activity quite yet), Kiriko would face this examination on her own. Going down the same check list she would for any patient in her condition yielded the same conclusion. Emotions... so many emotions coursing through her system. The nervousness about Hattori's reaction was overridden by her excitement. It would be hard not to be excited. She could only hope that he'd feel the same way. Seeing no need to put this off, Kiriko summoned his cat with a psspsspss.

"Can you get Hattori please? Not urgent, but important, when he has a moment." Slipping him the untouched half of her egg from breakfast, Kiriko watched for a moment as he slipped into the bamboo. Though her paws trembled just a bit as she set about preparing tea, taking great care to do it the way he liked. How was he going to react? Taking a deep breath, slipping a bit of ginger in her mouth to chew in an effort to combat the once-more rising nausea.


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1. the path of the wind Bamboo Maze 06:12 AM, 11-30-2023 10:06 AM, 05-13-2024