
Wrath of the Gods




Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
11-30-2023, 11:09 AM

His words. Oh how his words made her want to scream. Fighting for them? For her? After what he had said? After what they had been through? And he really thought he was fighting for THEM? Rage burned in her as she felt her paw smack his chest. The contact of her paw pads against his fur both burned and stung. They shared a connection that she couldn't deny. Even as the tears bubbled in her eyes and his paw was wrapping around her leg, she still wanted to scream. Wanted her teeth to dig into his flesh until his blood spilled. He deserved it. She swore by it.

Then he's turning. Scruff bunching up and deterring her bite. She avoids tearing at that soft fur. "I never stopped," she seethed, turning back to try and snap at his face and instead... his muzzle was right there. What was he trying to do? What was that look in his eye? A smolder that she felt deep in the pit of her belly. Hormones built a blazing fire in her as she tried to stay angry. Tried to resist. He didn't deserve this. Didn't deserve her. But oh how she so badly wanted to kiss him. Had been wanting to kiss him. Had wanted that closeness ever since they'd both entered the age of tumultuous emotion and hormones.

"Thrall," Delphi breathes, not entirely giving in as she pushes her muzzle toward his. Instead of returning the kiss, not fully, she reaches out to nip at his chin. This would not be how their first kiss went.

"Delphi" & "Strai"

Delphi vs Strai for first kiss do over
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather bracers with cougar claws
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked collar of bear teeth
Companion 1: Male Binturong, 22” - Battle
Companion 2: Tasmanian Devil, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Saber fangs (Offensive)
Mutation 2: Spicy blood (Defensive)
Skills: Master Healer & Advanced Fighter

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1. Wrath of the Gods The Stone Steppe 10:10 PM, 11-11-2023 12:54 PM, 03-24-2024