
Cast down thunder



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
12-01-2023, 05:24 PM

Kiela has never been sensitive, nor is she least bit defensive. Delphi's questions come across as curious rather than argumentative and Kiela has happy to engage with her on the topic. She'd remember the girl was a curious one, as Kiela was generally happy to teach what she did know, enjoying teaching as much as she did learning. "No, not here," she admitted. "Hard to find wolves who feel like I do about them."

Did it bother her? Not, not really. If being around like-minded wolves was that important to her she would've stayed in her homelands, instead of coming all the way to this once-new world. Delphi acknowledged her idea of a hunt, expression that her mom would probably be interested. Kiela made a note to seek her out and she if she was interested. It wasn't like she could cull a full grown caribou on her own, no matter how hard she tried.

The girl asked an interesting question then, one Kiela wasn't sure how to answer at first. "I've enjoyed it so far. I can't say I'm used to staying in one place for so long, though." Víðarr knew she would come and go as she needed to, that had been part of the plan, so it wasn't like she felt tied down here. "What about you? I mean.. when you're older, do you think you'll stay here?" Maybe it was a little too difficult of a question for a kid, but she was curious anyway, even if Delphi had never thought about such things.

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1. Cast down thunder The Stone Steppe 07:39 PM, 08-23-2023 11:37 PM, 04-06-2024