
troubled waters




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Healer (30)

2 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KPride - Aromantic
12-03-2023, 11:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2023, 12:04 AM by Ansem. Edited 1 time in total.)
Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION
He didn't have much memory of the flood. All he knew was that he'd been rescued by Grimoire and his cousin and taken to safety. He had quite a bit of recovery time, however, and in that time he didn't know if anyone beyond his mother and Grimoire had visited him to see if he was okay, or if he had been left to pretty much deal with it on his own. He knew he hadn't been social and out and about sticking his nose into everyone's business much since he was born, but he often felt like an outsider here. Still, he stayed because this was where his family was. He couldn't say he was close to his cousins or his grandfather or anyone quite yet, but eh, at least he was here.

He winced as his head pounded with the beginnings of a migraine, a lingering effect after getting his head knocked during the flood. His head began to pound, and he knew it was only a matter of time before it got worse before it got better. He hadn't spoken much since he woke up. Afraid he'd be judged or seen as weak since he had another issue that had presented itself after his head got slammed. He was self-conscious about it...unsure if it would ever go away, or plague him for life. Much like the migraines.

But it seemed he wasn't the only one that suffered from the flood. While he didn't remember anything from that day, it seemed someone else did. He heard something nearby as he made his way out of the Col. When he turned a corner, he spotted a small alabaster form seemingly stuck in place. He couldn't say he was wholly familiar with her, but he knew enough to know they were cousins. Concern washed over him as he hurried to her. "Hey! Hey, d-d-deep b-breaths! Nothing is h-h-happening. You're s-s-safe." He tried to reassure her, but his confidence was shot as he spoke, and he wasn't sure how to help someone when they were like this.


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1. troubled waters Dreamer's Col 06:18 PM, 09-15-2023 05:27 AM, 02-16-2024