
Nothing's New




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year
Extra large
12-12-2023, 11:40 PM

Well, that almost sounded like a dare. The young, and fairly innocent adventurer couldn’t help but wonder if there was a challenge to the other wolf's words. She kept her open, innocent expression right up until Absinth agreed to her deal. At that point, mischief poured into her expression. In the quirk of her mouth, to the tilt of her chin. After all, Absinth already knew this story she was trading for. She just didn’t realise it yet…

She settled in to listen to Absinth’s story. Amused that she was getting her side of the bargain first, before Absinth could realise she had been had. She took on the polite pose of a listener, and didn’t dare interject at any point in the others' story. Instead she listened, and let the heart of it flow over her.

In that short tale she learned a lot about Absinth. Before this, she hadn’t even known the other had been in a band, and had a leader to speak of. It jarred of course with the make-shift story she had invented in her head. But Raka was a storyteller who was quick on her paws, and she let this new information in without any hesitation. “Interesting. A belief system where one’s god requires you to sacrifice yourself -- I would have thought it would be hard for such a religion to survive for long. What with wasting their followers…” She couldn’t help it. She already felt a desire to talk to this wolf, and hear about their religion, and what compelled them to what to kill themself in the name of it -- and why they ultimately failed. It sounded like it might make for an interesting story…

Head tilted to the side, Raka carefully evaluated this new information and then - almost physically - restrained from asking the many questions that followed. No, she had a debt to pay, and she intended to pay in full. “A story for a story.” She said, taking on her story-teller pose. She sat back, and let subtle nuances of her body bleed into her words. “This story begins on a cliff… one where the edge breaks away over the ocean.” she peeked over at Absinth, waiting and watching for the moment of realisation to dawn. “This was where I crossed paths with a wolf whose fur was like storms and moonlight. This is a story you see, of my first kiss. Where I met a wolf who I would call a weaver of words. But this wolf was shrouded in mystery, and so entranced me - It wasn’t until we parted that I realised I knew nothing of them but their name. I think that perhaps if we crossed paths again, I would like to learn more about this wolf. And so, this stone is to mark my first kiss.” She crossed her paws, and grinned across at Absinth.


[Image: PZuet8y.png]

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