
Nothing's New




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12-15-2023, 11:54 AM

Rake gave a small smile at that, though in truth she knew she would be sad if her and Absinth’s paths cease to cross. “If it’s the last thing I ever do” She promised Absinth. She hadn’t thought that far into the future yet - to what her life would be like in her wizened age. Would she have children to one day pass on her stones too? She dismissed the thought as too far in the future, and too many unknowns. She didn’t even know what she wanted yet.

To give you a story behind the wolf that claimed your first kiss- the tale of Absinth Artemisia Inferos. This will not be a fairy tale. Now that was a good way to start a story. Tucking the words away, she settled in with wide, curious eyes and listened to what Absinth had to say.

It was clear from the beginning just how different their upbringings were, but perhaps she didn’t fully understand that until Absinth spoke. Highlighting a life that she could scarcely fathom as she spoke of her parents and her childhood. As the story wrapped up, Raka stretched and pulled herself into a sitting position, her eyes still on the green-eyed wolf before her. “I think that you will be whatever you choose to be, Absinth. The beginning of your life is shaped by your circumstances, but the middle of your story? That’s going to be what you make of it, and personally I'm invested in seeing where this story goes” Her voice was light and teasing again, through she was still working through the words the other had spoken, and trying to imagine what was between the lines.


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