
In This Moment


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
12-18-2023, 07:38 PM

Nelu tilted his head trying to keep his nose out of direct line of the wind so it would be easier to breath. He spread his limbs, claws digging into the earth as he tried to push forward back toward the castle. He was large for his age but still the wind was proving a formidable force. If it weren't for the dust and debris the walk would've been much more enjoyable. Samiri clung to his fur, digging into his shoulder blades as she tried to shelter herself.

At that moment he caught sight of Mercury and nodded a greeting to the older man. "Hello, sir, this wind… it is indeed something is it not?" His ears twitched, flopping in the breeze for a moment before he pinned them to his head. Nelu could still hear the older man's instructions and he swiftly did as the other instructed, positioning his back to the wind. It immediately helped and he kept his eyes narrowed, shifting so he could get a better look at the man. Mercury mentioned a spar and Nelu considered it for a moment. It would be difficult but it was also important to be able to fight in a number of conditions, no matter how unpleasant. His father had already made that point clear when they'd sparred in the mud.

"Yes sir, I think that would be a valuable lesson." He quickly set his remaining defenses, pinning his heads to his head, tucking his tail and rolling his shoulders forward while scrunching his neck back. At the moment they were both facing the same direction, with Mercury to his side. Rather than waiting for the other man to face him Nelu opted to start the spar. He knew he wouldn't always be facing his opponent head on in a formal match.

Nelu shifted his weight to his front left leg, pivoting on it as he kicked off sharply with his hind legs to face in towards Mercury's side. Immediately he felt the blast of wind to his left side, forcing his left eye completely shut as his jaws lashed out, trying to score a bite on the older wolf's lower side, just behind his elbow.

WC: 367
Total: 845

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1. In This Moment Amron's Castle 06:59 PM, 11-24-2023 05:21 AM, 02-19-2024