
Nothing's New




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year
Extra large
12-20-2023, 02:26 AM
Her heart hammered in her chest as Absinth didn’t respond with words. The older wolf instead shifted her, turning her until Raka’s back was against the earth, and her vulnerable stomach was exposed to the green eyed wolf above her. She couldn’t deny how exposed she felt in that position, her bright eyes wide as they watched Absinth. Feeling the enormous gulf of experience between the two of them. She barely knew Absinth. In truth, they’d had less than a day to get to know each other, spread over two meets. But she trusted this wolf who pinned her to the earth. Perhaps that trust was born out of naivety and attraction, but it was there all the same.

With the slow and steady movements of a seductress, the older woman pressed down into her. Her lithe, toned form touched every available space of Raka. From chest, to hip, to tail. At this point, Raka’s breathing was soft little gasps and she did start to feel afraid. Afraid of how little experience she had. Afraid of how much affection she had for this near stranger. Afraid that she didn’t fully know where this was going - and afraid that she did.

She could feel the way each little breath pushed against Absinth. She could see the other wolf move, barely perceptibly, with each breath. So closely entwined were they now. In many circles, Raka would still be considered a child. A yearling. One who had played with fire, and would find the consequences pressing down on her now. The problem was, she wasn’t wise enough to lift her paws from the flame. She raised a paw, and pressed it gently against the side of Absinth’s head as the other wolf pressed her teeth in little pinches across her skin. Raka made a very small, very slight noise. Not quite a gasp. “Ch… Choose between what?” she whispered.

[Image: PZuet8y.png]

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1. Nothing's New Mount Volkan 06:46 PM, 12-08-2023 05:19 AM, 05-01-2024