
Is this really who we are?

Daddy Dearest


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

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12-21-2023, 06:47 AM

Gilgamesh would sit almost as perfectly still as a statue. Watching his daughter pace only furthered the anger that lingered beneath his skin. The look on her face wasn't a pleased one and slowly, his own features would morph into one of fury as well. Her words bit into him and his brow furrowed. He lets out a gruff noise, agreeing that he had noticed she was gone. He secretly kept tabs on all of his offspring, even the ones who thought they weren't being watched. As much as others wanted him to be a terrible father, he wasn't. His own personal choices appeared to bloom over those that others deem appropriate or good.

It also came as no surprise to him that she went to the Armada. His pack was not banished from going to other packs - even the one he despised the most. Deluge had been and no doubt Scald had probably gone as well and others that no longer wore the name of Raider or Pirate. Still, he wears a stoic expression, pinched brow, watching and knowing that she is too watching him.

Oh? She spoke to the Warlord? What a boring conversation that must of been. Saving his own hide, Gil was sure. The old man was no doubt one to cover his own ass before saving the ones he promised he cared for. And stupid conflict? Gil was unsure what she meant by that. Stupid conflict between his and the warlord's packs? Did Flurry even have a whole and complete understanding about what all had gone on? His fur bristles slightly, but he doesn't interrupt. Gil allows his daughter to get out whatever childish ideas she had in her head before he would speak his peace.

Unaware? Of Azure? Gil highly doubted that. From his own conversations with Scald, it had only taken moments for the Warlord to appear to try and save Dread from Deluge. There would be no possible way the man didn't also keep tabs on his second in command. Indeed, his own personal quarrel was with Azure directly. There was indeed no doubt about that, but yet, that one asshole was linked and the offspring of The Warlord himself and therefore, the quarrel would pass onto the Armada. Their wolves stood by Azure's side and thus Gil would not and could not trust them.

It is her last question that leaves him smirking at his oldest daughter. As she stops to face him, staring back at her stern expression, he merely lifts a brow and allows for a pregnant silence to fall between them. Taking those moments to collect his thoughts, to push down the rage that boiled within him, he did everything in his power to not do exactly what he wanted to in that moment. He was the Raid King now and had to act as such.

"None of the Warlord's children have come under harm since I have taken leadership," Gil's voice is pointed, direct, stern. He needed Flurry to understand and understand well. "Let me remind you that weeks after I took over the Pirates from Sparrow, the Warlord was the one who came to our doorstop and raided us. We had hardly a moment to even gather our bodies before he was making his first moves. Do not let his words cloud who you are and where you come from," he pauses, staring right at Flurry, his lips trembling as a growl builds in his throat.

"Azure is of the Armada. He is the son of Sirius and was once and as far as I know, the Second in Command of the Armada. Everything he has done to our family was under the Armada's name. It does not matter what Sirius does not know, it still falls back on him. And do I care to remind you who I was acting under when I went to capture Hanako from the Armada Territory? Not I, but Sparrow. Once I took ownership and transitioned us to the Raiders, they have not since seen a soul of ours under aggressive manner since they decided to raid us first," Gil stands now, stepping closer to Flurry, teeth bared and ears flattened.

"It appears I need to remind you who is at the helm. You may be my Scion, but your actions are showing me that you do not wish nor deserve that position. The relation between packs is my decision, not yours. Going to another pack to make us appear bad proves to me that your alignment is not with us, but against us. So do you want to tell me how any of your actions proves helpful for the Raiders? You made us appear as if we are not whole. The Warlord now believes that those who are in my pack are not with me. Would you like to leave as Dread has left his? Unlike the Warlord, I will not put your family's wellbeing on your mind for guilt. Others may see me as a terrible father, but I am far better than the Warlord will ever believe he is. I was there for you and all of your siblings whenever I was needed. I still am and always will be, but I will not tolerate being made a fool. Is that clear?" Gil seethes now, his lips twisted into a full snarl as he comes face to face with Flurry, inches from her own until he feels the heat of her breath.


gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him

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1. Is this really who we are? Dove Island Archipelago 01:59 PM, 12-14-2023 02:06 PM, 02-01-2024