
on the malevolence of reality




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3 Years
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1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
12-22-2023, 04:16 PM

Stratum. Now there was a challenge all on his own. Not in a bad way just in a "You're my brother and I love you but for the love of god please stop walking on this leg if you want it to heal correctly before I break your other legs to stop you" sort of way. Crux sighed, glanced at Riya and the leopard rolled her eyes before she set about doing something important in his den, much too important, couldn't possibly go with Crux. Which was for Stratum and not Crux who would still usually rather have his companion on hand for help.

Crux grabbed a few herbs just in case and made his way to his brother's den. The Armada was finally starting to come back from the flood, and a few other traumatic events by the sounds of it. Crux had certainty been through his own, the still very visible scar on his throat was proof of that. But Stratum was stuck it seemed, not just physically but emotionally. Crux tried his best to be sympathetic and he did feel for his brother but sometimes you just didn't want to hear again how miserable someone was when they're dealing with a temporary version of your disability. At least it should be temporary, if Stratum could just actually sit still for a week!

As Crux entered his brother's den he sighed again, dropping his herbs before moving further in. "Don't poke it."" He chided gently. Stratum's verbal displeasure might have chased most other wolves off but Crux wasn't about to let his brother's moodiness be the reason the bone didn't heal right. Looking at his brother's leg he suppressed yet another sigh. "You've been up and about most days haven't you?" How many times had he told his brother he needed to rest? No use pretending though the raw flesh told him all he needed to know. Almost dutifully he started gently pressing along the length of his brother's leg, feeling for anything misaligned and watching his brother's face. No pain management yet, his brother's responses would tell him more about what was going on inside than his brother could verbally.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.

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1. on the malevolence of reality Dreamer's Col 01:35 AM, 12-22-2023 03:08 PM, 03-31-2024