
Spring Sunsets

Laney <3


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
12-24-2023, 01:52 PM

Hidden in the shadow of a weathered sand dune, tucked away in the scraggly grass that rooted stubbornly in the silty sand just beyond the reach of the ocean, Delaeni remained silent. Her small, teal eyes fixed on the point where she had last seen Azoula before her companion disappeared from out of sight. It was hard to listen for anything that would indicate the approach of another- the powdery soft ground absorbing the impact of footfalls with little effort. And for whatever was missed, the ocean covered it with its voice. The air carried a salty tang, a testament to the proximity of the ocean, and the gentle rustling of the leaves from nearby shrubs added a soothing melody to the symphony of nature. Beyond the sand barriers, the rolling tide beckoned, their azure depths a canvas painted with the hues of tranquility. 

The longer Azoula had been gone, the more Delaeni's keen senses heightened as she lightly traced the edges of her surroundings. The cliffs that encompassed the cove stood sentinel, their towering forms casting elongated shadows across the bay- the fading daylight ensuring that it wouldn’t be long until night would be upon them. And just as her anxiety began to resonate, sure heard her friend's voice. Laney. Come here. She didn't hesitate. Delaeni launched herself out of the cover, carrying the tension she felt in her shoulders- her tail tucked against her legs as she crossed the open territory to the sound of Azoula's voice. As the tigress came into sight. she felt a flood of relief. Delaeni quickly joined her where she stood. "Did you find anything?” She asked lightly. Looking up at her with a gentle curiosity. Anything of interest. A place to stay, a stranger to avoid, something to eat, or perhaps the young Saxe litter they were looking for? 

"Delaeni Terblanche"

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1. Spring Sunsets Fontamo Bay 03:36 PM, 11-29-2023 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024