
Spring Sunsets

Laney <3


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
11-29-2023, 03:36 PM
Sauntering along the shoreline, Azoula was enjoying the last few minutes of daylight. The spring sunset cast over an expanse of ocean was a beautiful sight. So many hues of orange, yellow, and red enveloped the sky. Beyond the shore, she could see the heads of miscellaneous islands. Some larger than others, able to harbor more life and the promise of freedom. But right now, she felt content with the beach she was exploring. The warm sand beneath her paws, grainy and hundreds of years old. The salty scent of the ocean, with the fishy tinge of sealife intertwined with it. The gawking of seagulls, the plunging of pelicans into the shallower waters in search of food. The splashing of fish breaching the surface. It was something she was getting used to, now that she wasn’t stuck in Apollyon’s woods. Filling her belly with fish, playing with sea life, sharpening her feline skills. All of it was possible, now that she was free.

Drawing in a deep breath, Azoula's voice broke through the peaceful scenery. “Laney. Come here.” Calling out behind her, she knew the girl was lingering in the foliage, waiting for her to say the coast was clear. Literally. Selfish in her own ways, Azoula just couldn’t leave the oddity behind. They had built a rather odd relationship. She felt partly responsible for her. But, for the most part, she was just possessive. Once they reunited with Sephiran and the others, she would be forced to share her with them. So for now, she was soaking up their alone time. Continuing to groom her, to increase her chances of success as a pack Sidi.  


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
12-24-2023, 01:52 PM

Hidden in the shadow of a weathered sand dune, tucked away in the scraggly grass that rooted stubbornly in the silty sand just beyond the reach of the ocean, Delaeni remained silent. Her small, teal eyes fixed on the point where she had last seen Azoula before her companion disappeared from out of sight. It was hard to listen for anything that would indicate the approach of another- the powdery soft ground absorbing the impact of footfalls with little effort. And for whatever was missed, the ocean covered it with its voice. The air carried a salty tang, a testament to the proximity of the ocean, and the gentle rustling of the leaves from nearby shrubs added a soothing melody to the symphony of nature. Beyond the sand barriers, the rolling tide beckoned, their azure depths a canvas painted with the hues of tranquility. 

The longer Azoula had been gone, the more Delaeni's keen senses heightened as she lightly traced the edges of her surroundings. The cliffs that encompassed the cove stood sentinel, their towering forms casting elongated shadows across the bay- the fading daylight ensuring that it wouldn’t be long until night would be upon them. And just as her anxiety began to resonate, sure heard her friend's voice. Laney. Come here. She didn't hesitate. Delaeni launched herself out of the cover, carrying the tension she felt in her shoulders- her tail tucked against her legs as she crossed the open territory to the sound of Azoula's voice. As the tigress came into sight. she felt a flood of relief. Delaeni quickly joined her where she stood. "Did you find anything?” She asked lightly. Looking up at her with a gentle curiosity. Anything of interest. A place to stay, a stranger to avoid, something to eat, or perhaps the young Saxe litter they were looking for? 

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 01:51 PM
Submissive as ever, and perhaps even wary of their new surroundings. Delaeni emerged from her hiding place, quickly ushering to the big cat’s side. Casting her eyes on the girl, intently watching her movements, she made notes of what to correct her on. Submissive posture, with elegant movement. She needed to perfect herself if she ever dreamed of graduating from the rank of Sidi.

Patting the sand beside her, she motioned for Laney to take a seat. Casting her gaze back to the ocean, she continued to observe the scenery. Noting the descending sun along the horizon, which made the currents in the water seem like they were sparkling. “Nothing important.” She said, almost sighing. Shifting her gaze back to Laney, roving her body with her volcanic eyes. Unsheathing a claw, she suddenly brought it beneath Laney’s chin. Wanting to use it to turn the girl's face, to observe her a bit closer. She looked weathered from the journey. Her cheeks were a bit sunken in, and she had lost the little muscle mass she had back in Saffron. She needed to eat.

Retracting her claw, Azoula released a feminine, feline rumble. Movement fluid as she encircles the girl, rubbing the length of their bodies together. “Skin and bones aren’t a good look for you, Laney.” She said, embracing her with her warmth, before slinking away to remove it. Sauntering towards the sand dunes, where she knew prey were hiding. “You’ll be a good girl and find something for us, won’t you?”  Raising a brow, flashing an expectant look. There was a small group of medium-sized boar nearby. Would Laney realize it?


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 05:50 PM

Delaeni watched as Azoula patted the sand beside her, motioning for her to take a seat. The small painted dog eagerly obeyed, curling her tail around her legs as she settled down next to her companion. She listened attentively as Azoula spoke, her teal eyes fixed on the shifting hues of the ocean. Nothing important. The words echoed in Delaeni's mind, disappointing her slightly. She had hoped that Azoula had discovered something of significance during her absence. That perhaps their journey could be over. But as Azoula's claw gently touched her chin, Delaeni allowed herself to be turned to meet her gaze. The volcanic intensity in Azoula's eyes both captivated and intimidated her. It was a reminder of the power and strength that resided within her companion. Delaeni's heart swelled with gratitude for being under Azoula's protection, knowing that without her, she would have never been brave enough to follow through on such daring orders. No matter how the Sultan would have tried to motivate her.

She felt a shiver run down her spine as Azoula's rumble reverberated through her body, a mixture of her baseline nervousness and anxious excitement coursing through her veins. As Azoula circled around her, their bodies brushing against each other, Delaeni couldn't help but tense at the sensation, but in the same action she was granted a sense of security. Azoula's warmth enveloped her like a shield, reminding her that she wasn't alone in these treacherous wilds. At least Azoula had been instructed to go with her.

Curiosity flickered in Delaeni's eyes as she observed Azoula with an expectant look. She understood the unspoken command, the silent request for her to track down prey - to prove herself worthy of Azoula's guidance and protection. The very thought of going forward and leading the track was frightening, but she quickly answered with an uncertain nod. Delaeni rose from her seated position and stepped forward, her mind reeling as to how she was going to accomplish her task. Looking through their surroundings, she caught the scent of nearby boar wafting through the air. It caused her nose to twitch with the anticipation of a chase. In a last ditch effort, she took a deep breath in an attempt to summon whatever courage she could muster, and set to the hunt. Stepping away from Azoula, she ventured towards the sand dunes where she thought the prey might be hiding.

As she approached the dunes, Delaeni's senses heightened. She could smell the unmistakable musk of boar in the air, a tantalizing scent that beckoned her forward. Gritting her teeth with determination, she scanned her surroundings, her teal eyes searching for any signs of movement or disturbance in the sand. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a flicker of movement in the distance - the telltale sign of what they were hunting. Heart pounding in her chest, Delaeni cautiously followed their tracks through the soft sand until she reached the crest of the dunes. Peering over the edge, she saw a small group of medium-sized boar foraging in a patch of shrubs below. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves as she sought out Azoula's eye contact, wondering just how her friend would want to proceed.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 06:00 PM
Uncertain and perhaps a bit frightened, Laney must have been surprised by her request. Azoula could see the apprehension overtake Laney’s little frame, those teal eyes growing wide and unsure. Still, the girl would adhere to her command- sniffing at the sky, trying to collect the scent of prey. Azoula was also testing the air, making sure the boar herd was still nearby. Truthfully, the African dog’s sense of smell was better than hers- but her vision and reflexes would always outdo Laney.

As Laney moved away from the shoreline, Azoula fell in stride beside her. Scanning their surroundings as they walked, taking in the scenery of the dunes. Mountains of sand, with small patches of greenery poking through. The hoofed tracks of the boar were easy to spot in the sand, given they were fresh. But with the oceanside wind, the sand continuously shifts and soon, they would be covered.

Reaching an edge, the duo stopped and peered over it. Down below was their prey. Naive to their presence, and ripe for the plucking. Her ears flicked upon her skull, eyes shifting to Laney. Her heart was pounding so hard, Azoula could hear it. Brushing their shoulders together, she flashed Laney a sly smirk. Then, she lowered herself closer to the earth, blending in nicely given her brown coloration. Descending the dune, and staying out of sight. Azoula stalked as closely to the herd as she could, staying downwind to not alert them of her presence. And once she was within striking range, the feline would race forward- elegant in her movements, leaping onto a boar’s hind end. Her claws sunk into the thick hide, jaws closing around the back of its neck. With a squeal, the hog tried to sprint forward. But Azoula outweighed it and was far more powerful. Which left it writhing beneath her, as she held it down and adjusted her jaws to reach the side of its throat.  


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 06:18 PM

Delaeni's teal eyes widened as Azoula gave her a sly smirk, the intensity of the moment causing her heart to race even faster. She felt the brush of their shoulders, a subtle instance of what seemed to be reassurance. Delaeni hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady herself- watching her companion with a mix of awe and anxiety as Azoula gracefully descended the dune, blending into the landscape with a predatory ease. She couldn't help but marvel at Azoula's prowess, the way she moved with calculated precision. The anticipation hung thick in the air, and the adrenaline coursing through her veins made her senses hyperaware.

Attempting to mimic Azoula's stealthy approach, Delaeni crouched low and followed suit, moving with caution as she too tried to stay downwind of the boar. The soft sand beneath her paws muffled her steps, but despite her efforts, she couldn't quite match Azoula's poise. As they neared the herd, Delaeni's nerves got the better of her, and she stumbled slightly, causing a small shift in the sand. The boars, sensitive to the disturbance, began to raise their heads, sniffing the air.

A wave of panic surged through Delaeni as she realized her mistake. The element of surprise was slipping away. In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, she quickened her pace, trying to catch up to Azoula. Though the far more skillful huntress was already in action. The piercing squeals of a hog that feared for its life broke the air, causing the rest of them to scatter, the rest of their grunts and squeals filling the air. Delaeni's teal eyes darted around, searching for an opportunity, but the chaotic scene had disrupted any chance of a coordinated approach. She attempted a clumsy pursuit of what seemed to be an easy target, but one of the larger boars charged her in defense- leaving her no choice to abandon her own attempt at a catch.

Once out of harm's way, she returned to Azoula's proximity, uncertain of what to say for herself. At least Azoula had been successful.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 06:21 PM
Pinning the boar beneath her, using her strength to hold the squirming creature still. Azoula delivered the killing blow with flawless precision. She was a natural-born huntress after all- and her years serving the Sultan as such, had allowed her to hone her skills to perfection. She didn’t doubt her abilities- but the panicked stampede of boars racing around her, was worrisome. The grunting and squeals were so loud it was nearly deafening, sand kicking up in all directions as they fled into the dunes. One even bumped into her as it ran by- which earned a loud, feline roar from her bloody jaws.

And then, everything went silent. Laney was in her peripheral vision, gravitating towards her. Empty-handed. Azoula waited until the wild dog was close enough… and then she shifted. Rising from the dead boar, erupting from the ground without warning. Gliding through the air as she pounced onto Laney, pining the girl on her back. Reminding her, who was predator, and who was prey. Reaching down, she ran her lips across Laney’s neck. Savoring the pulsatory sensation of the artery in her neck against her whispers. Rubbing the blood from her face, into the girl’s fur.

Pulling her head back, she looked down at her. Loving the reflexive prey response of the girl, even if she knew Azoula wouldn’t hurt her. She lived for the high of the chase. “Oh, Laney,” She purred, tail flicking behind her. “You’re all bloody. Whatever will I do with you?” Leaning down again, she licked her a few times. Rugged, spiked tongue caressing her skin. “After we eat, I will finish cleaning you up.” There was a hint of mischief in her eyes, and a look of longing on her face. Oh, how she loved playing with the girl's emotions.


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 06:23 PM

Delaeni lay pinned beneath Azoula, her heart racing in a mixture of shock, fear, and a strange thrill. The sudden pounce had caught her off guard, her breath caught in her throat as she felt the weight of Azoula's powerful body above her. Despite the terror that flickered in her gaze, she couldn't deny the strange allure of the predatorial dominance.

The sensation of Azoula's lips brushing against her neck sent shivers down her spine, her pulse racing even faster as the sensation was both alarming and strangely electrifying. The smear of blood against her fur made her squirm, her instincts screaming at her to break free, but she remained still, afraid that any sudden movement could provoke Azoula.

As Azoula pulled back, Delaeni's breaths came in short gasps, her gaze meeting the intense stare of the tigress above her. The purring voice sent a chill down her spine, the words filled with an unsettling mix of care and menace. Delaeni's mind raced, trying to understand the game Azoula was playing, uncertain of how to respond to the unpredictable predator that held her captive. Trying to steady her voice, she finally answered, "I... I'm sorry, Azoula. I didn't mean to startle the boars... I'll do better next time." Her tone trembled slightly, a mix of fear and desperation to appease her companion evident in her words. Her mind reeled as she tried to differentiate between what was innocent, and what was a threat. Though, whether she knew it or not, that was exactly the purpose of her anguish.

[End Thread]
"Delaeni Terblanche"

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1. Spring Sunsets Fontamo Bay 03:36 PM, 11-29-2023 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024