
Spring Sunsets

Laney <3


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 01:51 PM
Submissive as ever, and perhaps even wary of their new surroundings. Delaeni emerged from her hiding place, quickly ushering to the big cat’s side. Casting her eyes on the girl, intently watching her movements, she made notes of what to correct her on. Submissive posture, with elegant movement. She needed to perfect herself if she ever dreamed of graduating from the rank of Sidi.

Patting the sand beside her, she motioned for Laney to take a seat. Casting her gaze back to the ocean, she continued to observe the scenery. Noting the descending sun along the horizon, which made the currents in the water seem like they were sparkling. “Nothing important.” She said, almost sighing. Shifting her gaze back to Laney, roving her body with her volcanic eyes. Unsheathing a claw, she suddenly brought it beneath Laney’s chin. Wanting to use it to turn the girl's face, to observe her a bit closer. She looked weathered from the journey. Her cheeks were a bit sunken in, and she had lost the little muscle mass she had back in Saffron. She needed to eat.

Retracting her claw, Azoula released a feminine, feline rumble. Movement fluid as she encircles the girl, rubbing the length of their bodies together. “Skin and bones aren’t a good look for you, Laney.” She said, embracing her with her warmth, before slinking away to remove it. Sauntering towards the sand dunes, where she knew prey were hiding. “You’ll be a good girl and find something for us, won’t you?”  Raising a brow, flashing an expectant look. There was a small group of medium-sized boar nearby. Would Laney realize it?


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.

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1. Spring Sunsets Fontamo Bay 03:36 PM, 11-29-2023 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024