
Spring Sunsets

Laney <3


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
01-02-2024, 06:00 PM
Uncertain and perhaps a bit frightened, Laney must have been surprised by her request. Azoula could see the apprehension overtake Laney’s little frame, those teal eyes growing wide and unsure. Still, the girl would adhere to her command- sniffing at the sky, trying to collect the scent of prey. Azoula was also testing the air, making sure the boar herd was still nearby. Truthfully, the African dog’s sense of smell was better than hers- but her vision and reflexes would always outdo Laney.

As Laney moved away from the shoreline, Azoula fell in stride beside her. Scanning their surroundings as they walked, taking in the scenery of the dunes. Mountains of sand, with small patches of greenery poking through. The hoofed tracks of the boar were easy to spot in the sand, given they were fresh. But with the oceanside wind, the sand continuously shifts and soon, they would be covered.

Reaching an edge, the duo stopped and peered over it. Down below was their prey. Naive to their presence, and ripe for the plucking. Her ears flicked upon her skull, eyes shifting to Laney. Her heart was pounding so hard, Azoula could hear it. Brushing their shoulders together, she flashed Laney a sly smirk. Then, she lowered herself closer to the earth, blending in nicely given her brown coloration. Descending the dune, and staying out of sight. Azoula stalked as closely to the herd as she could, staying downwind to not alert them of her presence. And once she was within striking range, the feline would race forward- elegant in her movements, leaping onto a boar’s hind end. Her claws sunk into the thick hide, jaws closing around the back of its neck. With a squeal, the hog tried to sprint forward. But Azoula outweighed it and was far more powerful. Which left it writhing beneath her, as she held it down and adjusted her jaws to reach the side of its throat.  


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.

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1. Spring Sunsets Fontamo Bay 03:36 PM, 11-29-2023 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024