
missed me, now you wanna kiss me

Absi <3


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
01-05-2024, 10:47 PM

admittedly, Yarra spends a lot of time around her own kind of people - deviants and delinquents, the villains of all those pretty little fairy tales other girls her age grew up hearing. none of the company she keeps have clean hands and white sleeves, as far she's concerned; even the Sidis. sinners, all. but Absinth. there's something so delicious about her particular brand of darkness, something that ensures every encounter with the fae feels as effortless as breathing. she's dynamic and changeable, sexy and exciting, always keeping Yarra on her toes. and just when the Saxe woman feels she's finally caught up, Absi turns the tables yet again. another puzzle to solve, another game to learn the rules of. sometimes Yarra fantasises about sinking her teeth in that pretty white throat just to keep her in one place for more than a heartbeat. but really, she wouldn't have it any other way. "oh, you have no idea just how wicked. if only you could hear the things i think about you." flesh on flesh, bodies pressed flush, tongue and teeth and the burning glow of those emerald eyes. devour me before i devour you. mutually assured destruction.

the blood pounds in her ears as Yarra's gaze tracks the other woman's movements, magnetised so intensely she couldn't look away if she wanted to. her head cracks around to keep Absinth in her line of sight, neck occasionally twisting at odd angles. she does notice the woman's...unfavourable reaction to Rhaz's name, and Yarra's gaze snags on the new scars parting that soft white fur momentarily, but she lets it lie for now. perhaps she will poke later, and perhaps Absi will tell her - but for now she does not wish to shatter this heated thing between them. "you flatter me, darling - truly. i too would like to divulge my opinion of you...though i believe it best expressed in a more physical capacity. care to know?" she lets the double meaning hang obviously between, waiting to see what her companion will do. and isn't that half the fun? the anticipation. because whatever Absi's next move is, it is bound to thrill the Saxe woman one way or another. and really, Yarra has made it quite clear: whatever the other woman desires in this moment, she may have it.


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1. missed me, now you wanna kiss me The Polar Sound 06:59 PM, 12-29-2023 01:36 PM, 05-15-2024