
insert mission impossible music here



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2 Years
01-05-2024, 11:33 PM

he doesn't notice her at first. he's too fixed on his mission, too wrapped up in his own internal gloating. how clever he is, to slip by unnoticed and take whatever his greedy little heart desires. how sneaky. it feels like a proverbial middle finger to all those slow, lazy pack wolves, too comfortable in their easy lifestyle to realise how vulnerable they really are. like taking fresh kill from a pup.

it isn't until he spots her for the third time in his peripheral that he begins to doubt himself. she disappears in and out of the crowd, easily lost to his careless eye, her pink-hued figure dismissible as just another customer. perhaps she's even a vendor herself, taking some time from her stall to view the available wares. but when she seems to follow his own movements just a bit too closely, when she seems to always be in the background no matter which stall he drifts to...

anxiety swirls in the pit of his stomach, setting him on edge. perhaps it's time to quit while he's ahead. gather up his haul, which is rather sizeable, and slip seamlessly from the marketplace. no one the wiser until they count their stockpile and notice the losses. and by then he'll be just a tiny speck of a thing on the very edge of the horizon, so undiscernible he might just be a mirage. a hallucination. a scapegoat. maybe they really did just misplace some of their wares after all. it's not like he's scared of this woman - he can take a pack wolf any day. but he'd rather not, right now. he can't really be bothered. so better to just make a quick departure while he can.

casting a glance over his shoulder at the woman, Ark picks up his steps and attempts to leave her behind in the dust as he makes a swift beeline for the exit.

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1. insert mission impossible music here Dreamer's Col 12:24 AM, 12-02-2023 03:08 PM, 03-31-2024