
So what would an angel say?




Master Intellectual (240)

Intermediate Fighter (45)


1 Year

Pride - Polysexual
01-06-2024, 08:53 PM

The girl and her soft tones were found eventually, interrupted by the sudden call of her brother that echoed in her ears. Cadaver. The corner of her lips pulled into a smirk that she hid as quickly as possible. Her big, strong brother! Though neither shock nor familial adoration stilled her heart – instead she forced her eyes to widen and her head to whip in his direction, the appropriate response. The darkly colored girl meant to play the reaction into the abrupt break off of her singing – a hopefully smooth transition to showcase being taken by surprise. Now what? A greeting! She easily switched from startled to greeting him with a dramatic warble of his name, eyes twinkling playfully at him. “C-a-d-a-v-e-r!” She smiled, tail lashing cheerfully as he approached her in some boyish display of dominance. Illu was not one for rough-housing, nor had she ever raised her voice before. So of course the girl did not oppose him, she was far too delicate for his much larger size regardless. And she was perfectly groomed, so no, no dirt would fly here.

Instead of meeting his narrowed gaze, she dropped her own silver orbs down to her toes as though ashamed. Golden kissed ears twitching as he pressed her on why she was alone and away from their mother’s den. Why? Because there was an intruder there, who didn’t belong, taking up more of her mother’s attention. The attention she already had to share with everyone else! She felt the burn of jealousy and spite, emotions much too large for her to handle. It was easier to wander away and try to grow herself some skills to steal more and more spotlight away from her siblings, and that imposter.

Accidentally the girl’s lips pursed, flitting up to her brother’s gaze with a cold stare. He wouldn’t be able to tell, right? How horrid she felt? She didn’t want to look ugly. Being mad was ugly, wasn’t it? Illy quickly thought up an excuse, putting on her sweetest, poutiest expression she’d managed thus far. A cover up, as instantaneously placed as fast her sour expression had come and gone. Practiced heavily on their mother, obviously. “Oh, I was practicing~! I want to be the best singer you’ve ever heard.” Illusion made a point to exaggerate him being the most important part of her reason for being here alone – her chosen tactic in the hopes that she would just be seen in a simple light; nothing to see here. Just a little girl practicing her singing. No bad feelings here, just happy, thoughtless Illu!


Illu lacks general emotions, be warned her brain isn't wired right.

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1. So what would an angel say? Whisperer's Gorge 08:23 PM, 01-03-2024 06:33 AM, 03-11-2024