
So what would an angel say?




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-07-2024, 06:59 PM
Cadaver's mismatched gaze bored into Illusion as she greeted him with an exaggerated display of his name, her voice dripping with sweetness. The theatrics of her response caused a surge of irritation, and a flash of annoyance crossed his features before he could suppress it. Was she mocking him? But as he stood there blinking he was assured that she didn't mean anything by it- to his surprise, a genuine grin tugged at the corners of his lips. The subtle playfulness in her demeanor managed to disarm him, momentarily softening the hardened edges of his earlier assertiveness. As Illusion dropped her gaze, Cadaver's curiosity heightened. He observed her carefully, sensing that there was more to her solitude than a simple singing practice. Her silver eyes flickered downward, hinting at something deeper...perhaps guilt? Self-reflection? Remorse? It was difficult for him to tell, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his sister than meets the eye.

But her sudden pout and sweet excuse didn't go unnoticed, and while he couldn't pinpoint the source of her distress, he resisted the urge to press her further. Instead he tried a more supportive approach. Leaning in closer, his voice took on a low, conspiratorial tone. "The best singer," Cadaver repeated with a hint of teasing in his mismatched eyes. "I'll hold you to that." A small smirk played at the corners of his mouth as his tail twitched with calculated charm, attempting to lighten the weight of the conversation.

Despite his boisterous nature, Cadaver's protective instincts surged forward when he sensed Illusion's vulnerability. And, in his own way, wanted to reassure her that he was there for her – even if he didn't fully understand the complexities of her emotions. "But you know, Illu, you don't have to be alone to practice. I can stick around and listen if you want," he offered lowly. His attempt to bridge the gap between them was evident, a silent invitation for her to share more than just the surface of her intentions.

"Cadaver Nightwing"

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1. So what would an angel say? Whisperer's Gorge 08:23 PM, 01-03-2024 06:33 AM, 03-11-2024