
Dancing Across The Universe

Aresenn <3


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
01-08-2024, 09:01 PM

The atmosphere in the observatory was charged with electricity, as if every emotion in the universe was converging in this one moment. Aresenn could feel it, the swirling currents of passion and desire between them, like a delicate dance that only they knew the steps to. As Andromeda shifted against him, her lips pressed against his with a heated urgency, igniting a fire within him that matched her own. It felt like a sacred space where two souls merged, lost in each other amidst the endless expanse of twinkling lights above. Their passion and love filled every inch of the room, making it seem as if time was slowing just for them in this blissful moment.

A warm, tingling sensation spread through his chest as her playful touch danced across his skin. A low, contented growl rumbled from deep within his throat, a sign of his pleasure. He met her gaze with his own amber eyes, filled with a hunger that mirrored hers. Gently, he guided her down onto the soft furs beneath them, creating a cozy nest for their intimate encounter. The room was bathed in a celestial glow from the moon and stars outside, casting an otherworldly aura over their bodies as they intertwined in passion and desire. Each breath felt like a symphony of notes blending together in perfect harmony.

As their bodies melded together, Aresenn's touch became a tender caress, his fingers tracing the smooth edges of Andromeda's curves with a reverence that mirrored the growing bond between them. He savored the warmth that radiated from her, the scent of her a maddening concoction of her normal sweetness mixed with their lust. His lips trailed from hers to her neck, leaving a path of gentle kisses along the delicate skin. Each touch was a whispered vow, an assurance of his unwavering dedication to being by her side through it all. The air around them seemed to hum with electricity, crackling with the intensity of their connection.

As she broke the kiss, her silent plea hung in the air between them. Aresenn's eyes met hers with a look of understanding, and he took the lead. His paws moved with a tender confidence, tracing every curve and figure of her body- sliding their way down her side before working their way back up the contour of her abdomen. He paid careful attention to her responses, attuning himself to her desires as they swayed together in a dance of intimacy that transcended mere physical connection.  As their passion intensified, Aresenn could feel the rhythm of Andromeda's heartbeat matching his own. Time seemed to slow to a stop, allowing them to savor each moment together. His breaths fell in sync with hers, creating a harmonious cadence that echoed through the observatory.

He leaned in to whisper in her ear, his voice low and sensual. "I want you to know, Andromeda, that I am not just drawn to you by your beauty, your grace, or your kindness." He paused, his fingers still tracing gentle patterns on her skin. "It is more than that. I am entranced by your spirit, your soul. You have captured a piece of me that I didn't even know was missing until I met you." He breathed lowly, the tone of his voice heavy with wanting.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea

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