
three, four, don't break down the door

the baby heathens meet the baby ninjas



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1 Year
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01-11-2024, 10:42 AM

Restless and ready as she was to leave the very full cart of puppies, Lumine remained patient. She didn't whine, didn't complain, didn't argue with their mother the whole way to the oaks. She did ask a lot of questions though. After her siblings fired off with a round of this and that, Lumine was there to follow up with a barrage of more. What color is this? What animal is that? Do they have water? Are there puppies where we're going? Does Bjorn have to sit on me? Why does Steig snore? Isn't that what papa does? Relentless, but always appreciative when she receives a dutiful answer, the bright eyed girl settles in until they arrive.

When Tenshi stops, Lumine perks up. She stands up on the front edge of the cart, ears alert and tail wagging excitedly. Listening to her mother's stern warning, Lumine commits it to memory. Don't trespass. Got it. Eager to explore, Lumine notices how tall the trees are. They stretch on for what appear to be miles. Tree after tree after tree that is almost as tall as mountain itself. At least, that's how it feels as they continue on into the forest. Moss covers nearly ever surface. Water drips from the leaves after a recent rain. She can hear, if she tries hard enough, the animals rustling through the underbrush. Leaves have fallen for winter, but the canopy remains thick and full. Light doesn't reach the bottom except in certain spots where it shines down brightly. The place is beautiful!

Distracted, Lumine almost falls from the cart as the donkey lurches to a halt. A little oof exhales from her lips as she turns and follows her siblings out into the clearing. Once her paws are upon the soft grass, she notices how dewy it is. Her fur is damp and her toes feel almost slimy. It's as if the forest retained all the water that ever fell there. Testing out the spongey floor, Lumine pounces forward, nearly tripping on a rock and having to catch herserlf. Darn legs!


table coding by bunni ♥

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1. three, four, don't break down the door The Ancient Oaks 10:22 AM, 01-11-2024 02:14 PM, 03-13-2024