
bring out your dead


"Goes by Aka"


Master Intellectual (240)

Expert Fighter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Pansexual1KDouble Master
01-20-2024, 12:23 PM

Áskell glanced at Akito. "If we leave them for the predators it must be very far from Tojo. We don't want to attract more to our borders. What can be done to minimize any following a blood trail back to us?"[b] They needed time to rest and recover. Even as he sat there he could feel the pain in his low back growing, his left leg beginning to tremor. He felt a hand on his shoulders and glanced at Ari, his macaque. "Áskell, your wound?" He nodded. [b]"See what you can do with it.".

He tried not to think about the chance of paralysis, that he could in any way be affected permanently by the attack. Instead he shifted his focus back to the bodies as his companion started working on a covering for the wound. "There's always burning. It does not need to be in a respectful way. We can disassemble and rearrange the bodies in… uniquely disrespectful ways." He grinned and chuckled at what he would do if such a thing were allowed but the smile faded swiftly at a flash of pain.

Áskell cleared his throat. "If there was an island nearby, we could swim the bodies there, the water would minimize a trail and the bodies could be left for the seagulls with little risk of them floating back to us. Are there any such island nearby? The closest place to Tojo I can think of is the Swallet Ring. It is not an island but we could dump them in the ring itself.

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1. bring out your dead Bamboo Maze 08:19 AM, 12-03-2023 07:42 PM, 04-18-2024