
Playing Tour Guide




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Samhain 2022
01-22-2024, 12:05 AM
Dorian was glad that Clove's attention was on the tropical plant life as she complimented their home and thanked him for showing her around. She seemed very sweet and something about her gratitude brought a silly smile to his face, but it made him forget for a moment about the still fresh wound that cut across his cheek and the stretch of the skin when he smiled made him wince. It was stitched up well so there was no risk of the wound reopening or anything of that sort, but it certainly did sting. Luckily he was able to smooth his expression by the time she looked back his way and he offered her a slightly lopsided, small smile in return. "No problem. I'm happy to do it." This was probably the nicest, most relaxed task he had been given in recent memory so he was more happy to lead her around than he could probably express without coming off as strange or worrisome.

As they walked they came across an old, fallen log that had been hollowed out–whether by nature or by a creature he wasn't sure. Regardless, he stood next to Clove while she dipped her head to peer into the log and check inside. When she questioned what he thought would live in it, he hummed with thought and lowered his head to look inside as well. It was a sizable cavity, he had to admit, so it was totally believable that something might call this home. "Hmmm... Maybe something like a squirrel? Or a badger? I bet a stoat like my friend Copper would probably like it in there too. He likes crawling into little spaces and burrowing." Usually Copper was always perched on his back so he would have tested that theory then and there, but Copper was still recuperating from the raid himself so Dorian had insisted that his little companion stay back at the den and rest for a while longer. He turned his head a bit to see her reaction to his suggestions, wondering if he had guessed any that she had or hadn't thought of, and he suddenly realized how close his cheek at been to hers. He blinked a couple of times before he stood up with a slightly awkward smirk and shifted away a bit.

"Um... The pack's garden is this way," he mentioned after clearing his throat a bit, nodding in the direction of the clearing where his father had founded their garden. Once she was done examining the log, he began leading her off through the trees again, bringing her to where the trees parted and the brush had been cleared away. It wasn't a massive garden, by any means, but it had a wide variety of herbs planted in it with a slatted wooden fence around its perimeter. "Most of the time I'm here tending to the plants," he added. "Haydée's mentioned that The Hallows has a really impressive garden and a greenhouse. Is that true?" he asked curiously, turning his gaze from the plants to Clove once more. "I'm not sure how we'd build something like that here, but I'd love to figure out a way. The cold has really does a number on them."


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1. Playing Tour Guide Lazuli Falls 01:11 AM, 01-15-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024