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Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
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Samhain 2022
01-15-2024, 01:11 AM
There had been plenty to keep him occupied in the wake of the recent raid and for that he was grateful. With the onset of Auster's winter most of his plants and herbs had gone dormant in the colder temperatures so his usual go to tasks to keep himself busy were few and far between. Tending to the wounds incurred during the raid had been some of the first real, practical applications of what he had learned so far and in a way it had only made him miss his father more than ever. It was a bittersweet thing to finally be able to use some of the lessons he had gotten from Gavroche when he was younger, but not be able to show him his progress. He had been sitting at the edge of the pool that surrounded the waterfall at the center of their home pondering such things when his sister approached, surprising him as he looked up and saw two Hallows wolves following her.

While he had never met Artorias personally, he had heard of him plenty from Haydée so it was pretty easy to guess who he was. The young woman at his side that seemed to be about the same age as him and Haydée was less easy to place, but the mystery was quickly resolved as Clove was introduced to him as Artorias' daughter. He dipped his head politely to both of the visiting wolves, replying, "Nice to meet you. I'm Dorian." He had never played the game of pack relations and the like, always leaving those sorts of things to his sister once she was named the heir, but he would never turn down a request from his sister so when she asked him to show Clove around the falls while she and Artorias spoke about the events of the raid he of course agreed and got to his paws to lead her through the territory.

He figured the obvious waterfall that dominated the center of the territory would be the thing she would want to see most so he tried to save that for the end, instead looping her around through some of the jungle-like trees and foliage first. "It's usually a lot more green through here and in the summer there's even some very vibrant flowers, but unfortunately none of the plants seem to like this chill very much," he explained with a little smile as they strolled through the trees. There was a loose path carved into the underbrush that he followed, but he kept an eye out for anything that might interest them that might lead them off of the path.



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-21-2024, 02:31 PM

When Father asked her to accompany him to one of their allied packs, Clove didn’t hesitate to say yes. Truthfully, she was overly excited to join him, for a few reasons. Spending time with Artorias was something she loved, even in her teenage years. And the chance to explore a new territory was something she would never pass up. On top of that, she got to experience some grown-up politics, which was becoming more important as she grew older. And maybe she could make some new friends. She thought back to their travel to the Viking pack, and how fun it had been. Assumably, this would be just as fun!

Only, their visit was a bit different this time. She could feel the tense aura that shrouded the territory, given they had been raided recently. Father hadn’t extensively explained what raiding meant… only that it could happen to them, and they would need to defend their home from attackers. In truth, it scared Clove a bit- the thought of losing a loved one was devastating. But she had faith in her family’s strength… and her naivety to the dangers of the world helped her offset the thought into the back of her mind.

Wandering through the territory, being led by a girl named Haydee, she could hear the soft drone of the waterfall off in the distance. It took some time to navigate the forest, but finally, the massive landmark came into view. She couldn’t help but stare at it in awe, starstruck wonder shimmering in her eyes. Wow, it was beautiful here! And then, they were met by a boy who seemed to be around her age. Gravitating closer to Artorias, she greeted Dorian with a shy smile and a dip of her head. Father then explained that she would be spending some time exploring the territory with him, and she happily obliged.

Following Dorian, and glancing back at the waterfall, she made a mental note to ask Dorian if they could return later and try to catch some fish. He started to lead her through the forest, pointing out the variances in the vegetation, and how it changed with the season. Stopping at the base of a massive, jungle-like tree, she stared up at it-marveling at its size, listening to the animals that inhabited it. “It’s still so beautiful- thank you for showing me around.” She said, before shifting her monochromatic gaze back to Dorian. Slightly analyzing him, admiring how his earthen pelt stood out against the backdrop of the forest.

Walking along the path, Clove stopped here and there to observe things. Something that caught her eye, was a huge, fallen tree trunk that looked like it had been hallowed out by some creature. Peeking her head inside, her snout crinkled at the musty, moss smell. Spider webs decorated the inside, though they were inhabited this time of year given the cold weather. “What do you think lives in here?” She said, cocking her head slightly. It may have been vacant now, but perhaps its owner was out foraging for food?




Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
01-22-2024, 12:05 AM
Dorian was glad that Clove's attention was on the tropical plant life as she complimented their home and thanked him for showing her around. She seemed very sweet and something about her gratitude brought a silly smile to his face, but it made him forget for a moment about the still fresh wound that cut across his cheek and the stretch of the skin when he smiled made him wince. It was stitched up well so there was no risk of the wound reopening or anything of that sort, but it certainly did sting. Luckily he was able to smooth his expression by the time she looked back his way and he offered her a slightly lopsided, small smile in return. "No problem. I'm happy to do it." This was probably the nicest, most relaxed task he had been given in recent memory so he was more happy to lead her around than he could probably express without coming off as strange or worrisome.

As they walked they came across an old, fallen log that had been hollowed out–whether by nature or by a creature he wasn't sure. Regardless, he stood next to Clove while she dipped her head to peer into the log and check inside. When she questioned what he thought would live in it, he hummed with thought and lowered his head to look inside as well. It was a sizable cavity, he had to admit, so it was totally believable that something might call this home. "Hmmm... Maybe something like a squirrel? Or a badger? I bet a stoat like my friend Copper would probably like it in there too. He likes crawling into little spaces and burrowing." Usually Copper was always perched on his back so he would have tested that theory then and there, but Copper was still recuperating from the raid himself so Dorian had insisted that his little companion stay back at the den and rest for a while longer. He turned his head a bit to see her reaction to his suggestions, wondering if he had guessed any that she had or hadn't thought of, and he suddenly realized how close his cheek at been to hers. He blinked a couple of times before he stood up with a slightly awkward smirk and shifted away a bit.

"Um... The pack's garden is this way," he mentioned after clearing his throat a bit, nodding in the direction of the clearing where his father had founded their garden. Once she was done examining the log, he began leading her off through the trees again, bringing her to where the trees parted and the brush had been cleared away. It wasn't a massive garden, by any means, but it had a wide variety of herbs planted in it with a slatted wooden fence around its perimeter. "Most of the time I'm here tending to the plants," he added. "Haydée's mentioned that The Hallows has a really impressive garden and a greenhouse. Is that true?" he asked curiously, turning his gaze from the plants to Clove once more. "I'm not sure how we'd build something like that here, but I'd love to figure out a way. The cold has really does a number on them."



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-30-2024, 02:48 AM

When she shifted her gaze back to Dorian, curiosity sparkled in her eyes. She noticed the bandage on his cheek- somehow, having missed it during their walk earlier. Perhaps she had been too thrilled about the new scenery- she was an enthusiast for the unknown, after all. As he smiled, he winced- that’s what prompted her to really look at his face. Eyes settling on the stitched wound that looked a little red, but nothing too concerning. More than anything, it just looked painful. She'd have to ask him about it later. Her gaze trailed up to his eyes next. Staring into those pools of emerald, watching the way he lit up when she thanked him. He’d smoothed over his expression, but his response was nice enough.

Waiting for him to reveal what he thought might live in the trunk, Clove remained quiet. His head dipped down, coming close to hers- so much, that she could feel the heat radiating off his face. The heat of his breath against her skin. He thought maybe a squirrel, badger, or stoat may have made the little den. Thinking it over, she turned towards him, nodding her head in agreement. She would have kept looking at him, but he suddenly stood up and shifted away. Did she get too close? Mimicking him, she fell in place beside him again. Asking questions about his stoat, and how they came to be friends, as he led her towards a garden.

Weaving through the trees, Clove continued to survey her surroundings- noting the different types of foliage and trees that grew here, and trying to map out the territory in her mind, based on the trail they were walking along. A clearing came into view, which prompted her to slow down and linger at the outskirts. There was a wooden fence around the perimeter, and inside, a variety of herbs planted in their own designated spots. Watching her step, she slowly walked inside, following Dorian and being mindful of the plants. “Oh- you like plants and stuff then?” She said, keeping the conversation going. “We do have a nice garden and greenhouse- though, I don’t spend much time there…” Her voice trailed off as she looked around, trying to see if she recognized any of the herbs. But truly, plants didn’t interest her much, aside from being pretty. Large trees could be used as navigational landmarks too, but that was about it.

“Hmmmm,” She hummed, dwelling on his thought. “Well, we’d have to get you a building first. My Dad says there’s a place somewhere that has things like that- pieces of stuff when humans used to live there.” She’d never been there of course- she was just going off stories she’d been told. “Hey, maybe someday we can go look there? And collect stuff to make a building to protect your plants." A smile spread across her face- the thought of seeing another new place was exciting. And, if she could help her new friend achieve a goal, then why not?




Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-18-2024, 09:39 PM
Dorian nodded when Clove asked about him liking plants and the like. She confirmed what Haydée had told him about the Hallows' garden and greenhouse even though that didn't seem like somewhere she spent a lot of time. He couldn't hold that against her–gardening and learning about herbs the way he did was definitely an acquired taste and if it hadn't been for the fact that he had been so eager to learn from his father he probably wouldn't have taken to it the way that he had either. "I do like plants, but if I'm being honest the gardening aspect of it all has become more of a pass time or a chore than anything else," he admitted. "But... This was my father's garden so I maintain it anyway." No matter how much of a chore the garden became, he would never let it fall into disrepair. It was one of the only ways he felt like he could honor his father's memory.

He brought up wanting something like the greenhouse here in Ethne and he listened curiously while Clove mused about how to get a building here to build such a thing. The idea of gathering pieces of structures from somewhere else like the place Artorias had apparently mentioned to her before was an interesting one and he hummed with consideration as his head tipped to the slide slightly with thought. It was bound to be a ton of work to move what was sure to be heavy pieces of building materials, but maybe it would be worth it if he could keep his more temperamental herbs growing year round and maybe even keep the garden from encountering so many pests and weeds with it being enclosed. His gaze refocused on Clove's features as she suggested that they go together to the place her father had mentioned sometime to look for those supplies together and gather some for the building to protect his plants. Her smile was infectious and he found himself grinning a slightly lopsided smile as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah... Yeah, I'd like that," he agreed, feeling his cheeks flush a bit as his emerald eyes found the two-toned hues of hers. Man, she was really pretty...

Making himself stand and turn back toward the falls that dominated the middle of their territory, he nodded for her to follow, saying, "Come on, there's another thing I want to show you." With a little smile he led her back toward the falls where the sound of the roaring water filled the air as it landed in the large pool below. She had already seen this area when she arrived with Artorias so that was nothing new or interesting, but he didn't stop there. He led her up a sloping path that took them along the cliff and behind the water fall. "Be careful, the rock can get a little slippery from the spray from the water," he told her with a glance back over his shoulder, giving her another little grin before he continued on, bringing her behind the column of water and into the expanse of caves that was hiding behind it. The sunlight filtered in through the water, lighting up the cave with slightly muted, shifting light. He brought her over to a nearby stalactite, the long point nearly touching the floor from where it was growing from the ceiling and he nodded toward it with a cheeky grin. "Believe it or not, these are made of sugar." As if to prove his point, Dorian ran his tongue over the surface of the rock candy, coating his tongue with sugary sweetness. "Try it, it's really good."



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
05-19-2024, 01:03 PM

Oh. Dorian painted her a better picture of his reasoning for gardening. It was a chore, something to keep his mind busy but more than anything, it was a commemoration of his father. Clove felt a sense of uneasiness wash over her, and then, sadness. She couldn’t imagine that kind of pain; the loss she would feel, if something happened to her parents. Her siblings. Anyone she cared for. But she kept a warm smile on her face for him, finding it commendable that he upkept the garden to honor his father. “It’s a beautiful garden. I’m sure he is proud.” She says, admiring his devotion.

Switching gears, they are talking about the field of human remnants that could be used to build a greenhouse. He seems intrigued by the idea, thinking it over with a contemplative look. Was it a crazy idea? Maybe. Would it take a lot of work? Probably. Could they do it alone? Probably not. But Clove was a dreamer, she thought anything could be possible if you tried hard enough. So if Dorian wanted to get supplies for the greenhouse, she’d help him!

He was focusing on her again, and Clove found herself gazing back at him. Those bright, emerald eyes simmered with curiosity, and there was a softness behind them- one that told her he was a sincere boy,  who kept his heart on his sleeve and treated girls with respect. It was something she could admire. Warmth spread across her cheeks too as they smiled at each other. 

He motioned for her to follow, and she did. Finding a steady pace beside him, she switched back and forth from their right and left, enjoying the lush scenery. She could hear the falls rumbling in the distance, slowly becoming louder as they covered ground. And finally, they ended up where they started, standing in front of the massive waterfall. 

But they wouldn’t stop there; Dorian was leading her up a sloping path, and she flashed him a curious look. It led behind the waterfall, where the path became moist from the spraying water and the rocks, slippery. “Okay.”  She said, heeding his warning and staying close. Their shoulders accidentally bumped into each other, and she blushed out of reflex.

 They moved behind a steady stream of water, entering a sculpted hollowed chamber behind the cascading veil. The roar of the waterfall was rhythmic, reverberating off the walls and consuming the space.

She’s looking around as he leads her towards a stalactite, its massive, pointed peak emerging from the ceiling and almost touching the ground. Stopping, she inspects it in silence, tilting her head slightly and twitching her ears back and forth. “Sugar? Really?”  She almost doesn’t believe him; how could this pointy thing taste sweet like sugar? Well, it must have. Because he was licking it and telling her to try it. And he didn’t have a sour look on his face after… oh well. Here goes nothing. 

A little apprehensive, she sniffs at it first. Then, her eyes close, her lips part, and she slowly takes a lick. Wow. Her eyes suddenly snap open, a smile tugging at her lips as she savors the sweet taste. It was similar to the candies her mom and dad gave them on special occasions. Maybe this is where they got it from? “This is amazing!”  She says, daring to steal another lick. “How have you not eaten all these already?” Another lick, and she realizes she might be acting a little… gluttonous. She blushes and pulls a paw to her mouth. “It’s really good.”  A sheepish smile, and she tries to draw the attention away from herself. “Thank you for showing me your home. It's quite beautiful here.”  A short pause. “You should come to see our castle- oh, and the greenhouse.”  An invitation she truly meant, and hoped he would take. It didn’t have to be tomorrow, just whenever he was ready. 

"Clove Carpathius"

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1. Playing Tour Guide Lazuli Falls 01:11 AM, 01-15-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024