
Pack your bags we're leaving!

Jay and Voo



Advanced Fighter (70)

Intermediate Healer (30)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!Pride - LesbianSamhain 2022
01-22-2024, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2024, 02:01 PM by Tomie. Edited 1 time in total.)

Tomie bit back a growl as the first wolf to approach wasn't her mother or sister but the black bastard himself. She gave him only a cold look, unwilling to speak her piece until they were all here. Luckily she was not left waiting long. First was her mother who she was glad it seemed had come to a similar outcome and then... Well she adored Jay and she couldn't help the low rumble of a growl as her sister moved to stand with their captor. A derisive snort in response to her sister's comment about their "victory."

"The raid was a farce. A weak man picks a pack he knows cannot defend itself." She had none of the tact her mother did, she'd used up every bit of self control she had left already just not turning and going for the man's face. "A petty man takes the grace offered to him by a former opponent and puts her whole family into servitude over it. A cowardly man puts a child into servitude with them." She was grinding her teeth, the anger and distain she'd hardly hidden was now completely left to run free. "Tell me what good has life here been to convince me otherwise?" The man didn't know the shit they'd been through, a little stability was hardly worth everything else when she was more used to going somewhere else; hardly worth putting up with the indignity he'd foisted onto them. His first question was ignored, he clearly knew well enough and she wasn't going to pretend he wasn't right. "I protect my family so tell me why I should continue to let them rot under someone so unworthy?" She stepped into him, she cared not that he stood taller than her right now she felt tall as the mountain they'd been forced to live on for the longest year of her life.


Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. Pack your bags we're leaving! The Stone Steppe 05:52 PM, 01-20-2024 08:53 AM, 04-17-2024