
Pack your bags we're leaving!

Jay and Voo



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

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7 Years
Dire wolf

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01-25-2024, 06:54 PM

Tension. A spark, an undercurrent, running through the viking king. Voodoo joins them, and then Jay. Víðarr's gaze softens as he addresses the latter, a dip of his head. "We did. It was good." A light fondness colored his words as he spoke, the hint of a smile tugging at his dark lips. Jaybird had taken an interest in the religion, and for that, the viking king recognized her. She was applying herself.

Voodoo's words barely register, as his focus has shifted entirely back to Tomie. The growl doesn't go unnoticed, but Víðarr holds his action. Carefully composed neutrality as the girl speaks, listening without flinching. "Your opinions tell me all I need." Sadly, it seems she isn't as smart as he'd hoped. Víðarr doesn't step back as she steps into him. Instead, he chooses to remain entirely still. "Shortsighted girl, I do not care what you think of me." The viking king shifts his weight onto his heels, looking down curiously at Tomie. It's genuine, searching. Why did she think he did?

Though he could argue her points, Víðarr decides it's not worth the effort. "Take your freedom as compensation for your participation in the last raid, and your mother's for this one." He's heard Voodoo's more diplomatic request. Their assistance with the expansion and the raids hadn't gone unnoticed, and they'd served their purpose. Now rich in all the ways that mattered, it was a charity Víðarr could afford.

"Jaybird--" it's the first time that he looks away from Tomie, taking a step back and fully disengaging. Sharp edge leaving his voice, he speaks to Jay. "I will not force you to stay if you want to go with them." Víðarr is more genuine. Putting the ball in the girl's court. The viking king would leave it at that.


[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.

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1. Pack your bags we're leaving! The Stone Steppe 05:52 PM, 01-20-2024 08:53 AM, 04-17-2024